Friday 16 January 2015

Free speach the road to trouble?

I'm a firm believer in the power of free speech with out it the human race would be mindless robots following orders not using their own minds for nothing else then the mindless day to day routine. But when you give the power free speech to the ones that don't deserve it  like the monsters who carried out the senseless killings in Paris then you start  getting in to dangerous waters.

So how do you face something like this ? everyone deserves the power to say what they think right ? if something annoys them they should say right ? animals like this don't deserve rights like this they deserve to be locked in a room with a pack of angry PMS filled women. BUT if you take away the power of free speech does that not make us as bad as the ones firing the guns ?

 like  I said its dangerous waters personally I think the Muslim extremists need to be shot. point blank shot I know that will never happen monsters like this i cant stress enough don't deserve the right to free speech they're the kind of people that believe punching someone is better then talking that a bullet says more then a million words  there has always been people like this  though history, there called bullies people that screams it has to be their way or nothing at all i really fear for the human race part of me thinks OK these people only understand 1 thing guns, bullets not talking not understanding that the pen is and will always be mightier then the sword , so talk to them how they understand will guns but that's not right violence has never solved anything so why start ? 

so ill leave it there as always thanks for watching and let me know what you think below 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r
je suis charlie

I'm a firm believer in the power of free speech with out it the human race would be mindless robots following orders not using their own minds for nothing else then the mindless day to day routine. But when you give the power free speech to the ones that don't deserve it  like the monsters who carried out the senseless killings in Paris then you start  getting in to dangerous waters.

So how do you face something like this ? everyone deserves the power to say what they think right ? if something annoys them they should say right ? animals like this don't deserve rights like this they deserve to be locked in a room with a pack of angry PMS filled women. BUT if you take away the power of free speech does that not make us as bad as the ones firing the guns ?

 like  I said its dangerous waters personally I think the Muslim extremists need to be shot. point blank shot I know that will never happen monsters like this i cant stress enough don't deserve the right to free speech they're the kind of people that believe punching someone is better then talking that a bullet says more then a million words  there has always been people like this  though history, there called bullies people that screams it has to be their way or nothing at all i really fear for the human race part of me thinks OK these people only understand 1 thing guns, bullets not talking not understanding that the pen is and will always be mightier then the sword , so talk to them how they understand will guns but that's not right violence has never solved anything so why start ? 

so ill leave it there as always thanks for watching and let me know what you think below 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r
je suis charlie


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