Friday, 14 November 2014

Feminist Frequency a concerned Gamers piont of view

So the concerned gamers back and wanted to say a few words on feminist frequency

Hi all ,

          first Id like to thank Res and z0mbi3 for letting me come back and cast my stone in the feminist frequency pound. After watching Anita Sarkeesian's video  on the Lego Friends for girls I see she not only has issues with computer games and gamers but also toys. This makes me angry as most girls I know when they were younger enjoyed playing with toys for boys to! they didn't care it was anything from footballs to K'nex ,

 they also enjoyed playing with girl stuff to barbies toy pony's and hair brush make up sets. Yet after taking to a few guys I know they would play with cabbage patch dolls, prams did they care? no they were just happy to play with others their own age.

now you could say but its only over the past few years that the separation between girls and boys have happened a key sign of this is the kinder surprise egg blue for boys pink for girls.

my point on this is so what? girls and boys should have the option to  play with what ever they like personally I believe the older toys were best not knowing what you'll get when you crack open the egg biting in to that sweet chocolate made it all the more better , but I'm not going to make girls that want to be girly change. Just like it would be wrong to say boys need to be covered in muscles and carry a axe on fire,  its down to the person how they act and how they are. as far as I'm aware there are still kinder eggs you can get that don't show if there  for girls or boys so why complain? the amount of complaining that's happened that girls and woman are being segregated in to being the weaker sex to be honest I see as stupid. Its down to choice not making a woman worth less than a man

If a child chooses to play with a doll does that child have to be a girl ? No
If a child chooses to play with Lego does that child have to be a boy ? No

so now ill point massive holes in Anita sarkeesian's view , she states that company's like Lego are separating the genders making toys only for girls etc... blah blah well Anita if you Google Lego mini figures girl  you'll find things like ,


and , 

also , 

not really the helpless girl figure Anita states is it ? really Anita do your home work before you go spouting of your feminist crap. If you really feel that girls have no choice but to play with pink toys and fluffy bunny rabbits then you need to open your eyes and take a good look around. Girls have been playing with toys for boys and boys playing with girl toys for years.

So Ill leave it there , once again massive thanks to Res and z0mbi3 for letting me cast my thoughts on this chances are ill be popping in and out of their blog hope you enjoyed!

Written By The Concerned Gamer

Daniel O'Reilly hitting ctrl Alt delete on Dapper laughs

So it looks like Daniel O'Reilly is deleting all record of dapper of the Internet, what good will it do ? the jokes have been made the videos are online there's no going back. His social media pages have not been active since the fabled news night interview

to be honest hes trying to be the scared little bunny rabbit in the head lights of a fast moving car, OK hes said 'sorry' and 'it shouldn't of gone that far' Blah blah blah , Ive said it before and ill say it again If this was just a character were did the idea come from ? the things he says and the way this 'character' acts makes me believe he was the  boy in school every girl rejected, so how does he respond? by saying things like she’s "gagging for a rape". and 

how pathetic can you get ?  most people are feeling sorry for the guy people like Katie Hopkins, ( I'm not even going to touch that with a pole, she disgusts me more then dapper) 

So this was all a character he made up. making fun of the homeless making out right ' rape' jokes on woman.  So and hes apologised , now what ? from what I can see Daniel O'Reilly is just a one trick wonder. If he is a comedian wheres hes other jokes about other stuff?? from what I can see he is just a out right sexiest bloke who probably  uses more make up then Jordon, guys like this make me ashamed to be a man. 

and now it looks like hes used the Goggle trick of decision on the right to be forgotten, guess what Daniel  that wont work when somethings put on line it stays there :


aren't cached  Page's wonderful?


So ill leave it on that note let me know what you think below should Daniel O Reilly be forgiven ? or should Dapper be killed of ?

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Agents Of Shield writing on the wall

Coulson back in the memory machine,  May after Ward and Skye ready to shoot.
What more could you ask for ? this weeks episode delivered exactly what it promised writing on the wall which is  the strange alien writing we saw coulson and garret scribe on a wall, it turns out everyone injected ( but Skye) with the GH-325 from Project TAHITI has gone crazy with one guy in particular, deciding to cut the symbols in to others skin !. Its going to be interesting to see whats next, usually I hunt for next weeks promo but decided to hide from the spoilers, and  not to spoil it for the ones of you that haven't seen  this weeks but OMG  I didn't see that coming I figured a map yea, probably to the big blue guys home planet driving all those injected with his blood to go there but, for it to be a plan for a city makes me think what if this is a city still on earth ? Atlantis perhaps? I do hope so. There's been lots of talk saying Skye is an inhuman if this is the case then so is her father, just wondering what would this make coulson ? OK technically he's human. but with alien blood so does that now make him a mutant? with the world of marvel anything can happen. AND I CANT WAIT !!!, it was quite freaky watching coulson once again lose it after the memory machine gave his head a kick start I can see a battle of good v evil when Skye's dad comes back.

one thing still bugs me though WHERES LOLA!? 

and as I posted last night Ill leave it there tonight thanks for reading and let me know what you think by posting below :) 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Dapper Laughs - NEW YOUTUBER RAPE - yup the internet scares me !

So Youtube is once again about to hit a massive storm , 

after watching Philip De Franco I see that yet another youtuber has been accused of rape. There's not much I can say its starting to seem that being a You tuber could become taboo. Ive been part of the youtube community for about a year now and since the hole Sam pepper story exploded I don't  feel comfortable telling people I have a channel , purely as telling one person replied 'oh isn't Sam pepper on there? ' 

yea great , so now I tend not to tell anyone. so as for the you tuber accused of rape today ? Craig Dillon I'm

not going to go in to details on this as I'm not to clued on the details or allegations made Craig did respond with this on twitter. It scares me to think that rather going to the police, they'd rather make a youtube video about it, Ive got to ask WHY? if this is true has the world gone up side down!? if the allegations are true once again I find my self saying only the police can judge not the youtube community I can see one day there having to be a full time Internet nanny from every town trolling around looking for 'rape allegation' videos has the world come to a point were instead of human contact asking for help when needed going on line and asking there instead!?!? call me old fashioned but id rather talk to a human being

Dapper Laughs
So this guy yea, a  controversial 'comedian' ( if you can call him that?)  that plays a character has come under the fire for the jokes and attitude he has. Frankly I cant blame the guys holding the gun , as after watching dapper youtube videos and vine, to be honest I felt uncomfortable 'oh but its all jokes' some people can say that yea , but this is not giving the right representation to the younger lads. telling them things like :

“Girls have periods. I call that ‘blow job week’. What you need to do is get four girlfriends – then it’s four weeks of blowies.”

such a wonderful role model for the younger gents. so if this is just a character were did the idea come from? something had to of sparked this idea and as a guy this makes me feel sick.

As itv have now dropped him like hot coal Ive gotta ask what  made them think this would be a good idea?? this guy has had in the past women commenting that he's being sexist. WHAT THE HELL ITV!?  do research first ? it helps.

After all the shit storm that's hit from Sam pepper to #gamergate and now the Dapper saga the Internets becoming a place you'll need your parents permission to use, from rape allegations to rape threats. gamer gate is still going strong which I'm glad for as said before I support gamer gate to end the corruption between game Dev's and game reviewers, I believe anyone accused of rape should go though a fair trail by the courts and jokes on rape and women being worth less then men are pure filth. Ill end on this note the Internet scares me all i can say is 


Written By 


Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Last salute .... Death in Heaven - Doctor Who

Some of you might wonder why I've called tonight's blog the last salute well one word , one name the brigadier  yes the legend him self was back even in cyber man form he was there in soul. protecting what he hold's dear to him his daughter Kate and saving the doctors soul.

 even on a low note the doctor still strives to save the soul of the innocent by wanting to end Missy's life. and then an old friend comes in to play after doing what the brigadier did best the doctor surprised me with a simple action something the brigadier always wanted a simple salute

one simple action tied the hole episode together a sign of respect for an old friend, long live the brigadier. Now back to the episode, well what can I say ? BRILLIANT !!!  loved the falling out of aeroplane scene and  the doctor at the last minute calling for the Tardis !

this episode ends with the doctor Lying to save Clara's feelings and her doing the same to save his , with something important to say but just cant get it out , could the theory's be right ?  could Clara be expecting the joy of little feet? the episode before the last shows notes on a book case:

three months,   and Rupert pink the name tying in with the episode 'listen' we know that Danny and her did have some kind of future together will that still happen ? 

now I would rank peter Capaldi as one of the greats one of the unforgettable that this generations new Whovian's would class as their doctor BUT we still have the Christmas episode to come...

which leads me to ask one thing, will the doctor save Christmas? only time and the doctor can tell...

written By z0mbi3gam3r

Friday, 7 November 2014

Brianna Wu victim of life? and a Girls piont of view!

Ok for this post we've asked a friend of ours to write today's blog

Hi folks yup I'm a guest today on res1080ps blog and yup I'm one of those girly things as well! Res and z0mbi3 have asked me to give my views on Gamer Gate so here it is but before that id like to say I'm a 25 year old woman that loves to game, from battlefield to COD to mine craft as well. I'm not going to state my gamer tag as even though I believe GG is not going to hunt me down and kill me I do fear the feminists that are on the war path lets just call me the concerned  Gamer , so here's my views

I believe  that Gamer Gate is not out to stop all girl gamers, they simply want to stop corruption between game Dev's and game reporters and I'm all for that , as for the extreme feminists currently crying that their being sexually harassed I think they need to back down , there are better ways of dealing with sexism with in the gaming community then attacking everyone. From watching videos on you tube on both sides of the line, videos from gamer gate then the 10 hours walking in NYC and listening to the Open House I cant see how Gamer Gate are out to get all girl gamers let alone Brianna Wu , Anita Sarkeesian , and Zoe Quinn it seems these lady's have clubbed together and decided to scream that there victims, purely as Zoe Quinn got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, because her dirty laundry had been aired on line well that's her fault , they can try and divert it from the real reason all they want but truth is being caught sleeping with game reviewers will end up biting her in the ass and to cover her tracks? well we know the out come , GAMERS ARE SEXISTS VIRGIN WHITE MALES!!!.

seriously Zoe, Anita and Brianna get your heads out of your ass hole A gamer can be anyone from any walk of life , black, white, gay, straight or bi  it can be anyone. so basically GROW THE FUCK UP LADIES Ive noticed a lot of girl gamers not wanting to play on line purely because of your interference your adding fuel to the fire. attacking millions of gamers on the base of a few, judging millions by the actions of a few bad eggs? I want to state that these 'feminists' do not represent me  and my views. I openly support gamer gate and gladly so.

Now as for Brianna Wu well what can I say her latest twitter escapade says it all  I found a you tube video that says it all : 

basically she states that  a woman was brutally murdered by someone that has nothing to do with GG this means  her life is in danger. how low can you sink ? the video shows a screen shot of her twitter page stating this the murder of a poor woman had nothing to do with GG but HER life is in danger ?  Brianna you need help. Really i advise you need to get mental help.

well ill leave it there I want to thank Res and z0mbi3 for giving me the chance to talk

Written By : 

The Concerned Gamer.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Doctor who Missy !!!

 So we now know Missy is THE MASTER !

yup this threw me , I thought Missy would of been Mistress Romana ! I loved the episode , such a shock to see the master back as a woman, through the series I keep wondering who she could be , everything from a distant river song relative, to of course Mistress Romana.

Some newspapers are taking this as a sign there might be a lady doctor , its possible with the lady doctors from the original who (Mistress Romana , River song  OK not from original who but born a time lady and gave her regenerations to the doctor ) 

then there's the kiss of course the Master kissing the doctor !
A picture says a thousand words , and this one says 'ok... i don't do hugs but i get kissed?' and you know this one says 'did i just kiss a DUDE?'

With the death of Danny pink are were going to see Clara lose the plot I think there's so much more that can be done with her character, shes been there a while but I think they've only scratched the top , last episode we saw her in a dream state throwing the tardis ( all 7 ) keys in to a active volcano to try and get the doctor to save him , I think there's more crazy underneath

so I'll end on this note : 


written by 


Sunday, 2 November 2014

fast and furious 7 the trailer!

Being a massive, massive fast and furious fan I was over the moon to find out....

ITS FINALLY HERE!!! after what feels like years of waiting , its finally here!! and it looks incredible! with Dwayne Johnson ,Jason Statham ,Paul Walker ,Lucas Black ,Vin Diesel ,Michelle Rodriguez and Tyrese Gibson the line up looks SO good! April the 3rd 2015 really cant come quick enough !!

After watching the interview with some of the crew you can tell they all love and miss Paul Walker , and who can blame them ?

 I can see how  fast and furious 7 will become the tribute to the late , great Paul Walker and its looking to be an outstanding one I cant wait for it , how about you ? let me know what you think below...

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