utter madness, when we were there people were screaming punching ( yup res got a punch or two in the back and the chest) but we walked out of there triumphantly with a great deal 32 inch blaupunkt TV :D after walking out we chatted to a few other shoppers, a few tried to grab some things but got punched in the ribs possibly broken as well.
not only that in the madness a lady was punched in the face with a broken nose yup she got punched for a TV. a bloody TV I'm all for grabbing a bargain but that's just insane another poor sod paid for his TV ( that's a 50 inch TV) and dropped it on the way out and yes it smashed that poor sod.
here a quick video of some of the craziness that went down.
For those that don't know what black Friday is :
The day After Thanksgiving (Friday) is known as Black Friday. This also is unofficially or officially start of holiday shopping season. Almost all stores come out with Door buster Sales with early bird special to attract consumers to their stores. People stand in line hours before store is opened, to grab the bargain of the year. Almost every store has something that interests every one. For bargain hunters, if there is a biggest festival in a year, that would be, no doubt, the Black Friday.
So basically its a day where everyone go's totally nuts best advise to anyone going to a black Friday sale ware extra padding, head to the shops hours before, park far enough that no one will see ( car jacking can happen )
Written By z0mbi3gam3r

utter madness, when we were there people were screaming punching ( yup res got a punch or two in the back and the chest) but we walked out of there triumphantly with a great deal 32 inch blaupunkt TV :D after walking out we chatted to a few other shoppers, a few tried to grab some things but got punched in the ribs possibly broken as well.
not only that in the madness a lady was punched in the face with a broken nose yup she got punched for a TV. a bloody TV I'm all for grabbing a bargain but that's just insane another poor sod paid for his TV ( that's a 50 inch TV) and dropped it on the way out and yes it smashed that poor sod.
here a quick video of some of the craziness that went down.
For those that don't know what black Friday is :
The day After Thanksgiving (Friday) is known as Black Friday. This also is unofficially or officially start of holiday shopping season. Almost all stores come out with Door buster Sales with early bird special to attract consumers to their stores. People stand in line hours before store is opened, to grab the bargain of the year. Almost every store has something that interests every one. For bargain hunters, if there is a biggest festival in a year, that would be, no doubt, the Black Friday.
So basically its a day where everyone go's totally nuts best advise to anyone going to a black Friday sale ware extra padding, head to the shops hours before, park far enough that no one will see ( car jacking can happen )
Written By z0mbi3gam3r
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