So after 1 year on YouTube , hitting over 1500 subs here we are now blogging about all we love , Gaming, Sci-fi and comic con! not forgetting cars, Top Gear and generally anything else we find awesome , We hope in this blog to bring you all the best from our YouTube channel and much much more with weekly blogs if not more. We hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoy writing.
So news to date ,
Yes we've hit the magic 1500 subs and today we realised we're now big enough to get spam mail on YouTube from wanna be YouTube networks! YAY lol! To anyone that gets this, Chances are its a spamy scam :
How wonderful being able to keep 100% of your earnings , Got to be a scam we've already been partnered with Full Screen for around a year now and happy to be there so why move? why take the chance on a scam? Well we're not , If there is anyone partnered with this company let us know if it is a scam we'd love to know ! Following the news about Sam Pepper - The YouTuber currently facing the chop. Well there's not much to say , Yes the girls do have a valid point he is a complete arse towards girls , and yes there is loads of evidence showing that , From rape claims to basically bulling for pictures of under age girls. We have to remember though we are not the police we cant judge we aren't the police its down to them , I'm not saying he is Innocent far from it, On a personal view it does seem that the evidence is against him is mounting up. His whole excuse of it being social experiment seems very hollow , What ever the out come its down to the police at the end of the day. On a lighter note we'd love to hear what you'd like to see on the blog from review's on doctor who to gaming to of course top gear ! Thanks for reading and let us know what you think! If your Interested in our YouTube channel you should check it out here : Written By : z0mbi3gam3r |
So after 1 year on YouTube , hitting over 1500 subs here we are now blogging about all we love , Gaming, Sci-fi and comic con! not forgetting cars, Top Gear and generally anything else we find awesome , We hope in this blog to bring you all the best from our YouTube channel and much much more with weekly blogs if not more. We hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoy writing.
So news to date ,
Yes we've hit the magic 1500 subs and today we realised we're now big enough to get spam mail on YouTube from wanna be YouTube networks! YAY lol! To anyone that gets this, Chances are its a spamy scam :
How wonderful being able to keep 100% of your earnings , Got to be a scam we've already been partnered with Full Screen for around a year now and happy to be there so why move? why take the chance on a scam? Well we're not , If there is anyone partnered with this company let us know if it is a scam we'd love to know ! Following the news about Sam Pepper - The YouTuber currently facing the chop. Well there's not much to say , Yes the girls do have a valid point he is a complete arse towards girls , and yes there is loads of evidence showing that , From rape claims to basically bulling for pictures of under age girls. We have to remember though we are not the police we cant judge we aren't the police its down to them , I'm not saying he is Innocent far from it, On a personal view it does seem that the evidence is against him is mounting up. His whole excuse of it being social experiment seems very hollow , What ever the out come its down to the police at the end of the day. On a lighter note we'd love to hear what you'd like to see on the blog from review's on doctor who to gaming to of course top gear ! Thanks for reading and let us know what you think! If your Interested in our YouTube channel you should check it out here : Written By : z0mbi3gam3r |
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