Yep hes back , the guy everyone said is a rapist is back Posting a video 3 days ago stating :

For this video went out dressed as a homeless guy to see if anyone would give me a quarter, further down the road i had a friend wait at a meter and ask the same guy for a quarter, even though this girl had nice clothes, a car and clearly money the man decided to give her a help over a homeless person.....
OK hes you tuber trying to make a living and needing to make new content , new videos for profit , blah blah blah to be honest as hes come back surely he should answer the questions put to him first, the allegations made by other you tubers , and surely if there was police reports those as well,
the video he posted showed him dressing as a homeless guy asking for money , its a neat idea good test to see just how nice people are, to be honest it looks like hes put the video up to make people feel bad for him , bit of a sneaky trick. How can you hate a video that brings to light a issue like this ? but how could you like it if he was guilty ? that's the big question.
Bit of a short note today but thanks for reading :) and as always Id love to hear what you have to say.
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