being pretty new to this i still want to give it a lot of practice mainly as its giving me a reason to get outside and get some fresh air 😅
Reading more about the cannon camera online i found so many different tips to try out from different filters to playing around with aperture and how to set up the right lighting for the shots you want to take , like this black and white photo i waited for the golden hour in the evening just as the sun was setting i snapped a great shot. Giving the photo depth with out losing the right balance between light and dark.
A great tip ive picked up is if your not sure how the lighting is for the shot you want, try taking it in black and white first , you'll get a clear layout of how the lighting looks before you take it in full colour. working with different filters ontop of black and white can also give the subject more depth like this tree.
Using the intense filter and a small aperture i gave the tree more of a lonely effect or a greater depth of field while thanks for the intense filter , it gives it more of a strong shadow look.
Ill finish off this post with a few different photos from the past few months and remember to check back in from time to time for any new snaps!