Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Comic Con!! Belfast !! and red dwarf RETURNS!!

I discovered something since last year , waiting for Christmas is easier then waiting for Comic Con! since the first last year Ive  been hooked.
from cos play guys to retro games this year it had it all

with special guests like Danny John-Jules (which was by far the best guest yet! ) and he did say RED DWARF IS COMING BACK!!!!!! best news since the long awaited return of X files, with series 11 and 12 on the way TV for the next couple of years looks out standing and the hall I got from this year really , really was  great 

2 game boy yellow's 2 copies of Pokemon yellow 2 t shirts one from SHIELD the other the exploding tardis from the 'The Pandorica Opens' episode of doctor who

the best thing yet a child play 2 POP vinyl figurine this is my first one , Ive seen these around there every were but figured id wait to I see one I really, really like and I'm so glad I waited !!! !
my diabetes really did take a bit of a kicking this year with the sweet stalls a plenty

one great attraction they had was the star cars the general lee and bumble bee both cars in great condition if you check out our you tube channel here :RES1080p Youtube there is a more closer up video of the cars

this weekend was most defiantly worth the money and time all I can say in wrap up is ROLL ON NEXT YEAR !!

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