Krishnan Guru Murthy ( ill call him KGM ) during the interview decides for some unknown reason to ask about his past , from the drugs to the prison even to the relationship with his father I mean how bad can you get ? ! !? Robert has put that behind him is is a fantastic actor , he owns Iron Man and Sherlock!. Its clear KGM didn't feel right asking so why ASK!!! you complete and utter moron! Robert doesn't owe the public anything hes paid for his crimes and moved on you cant keep bringing it up for your 15 Min's in the spot light its pathetic !!!
I've got to give massive respect to Robert for walking out as someone once said it takes a great man to start a fight but a bigger one to walk away I prey that this doesn't put him of coming to the UK

when KGM asked about a quote of Roberts from a few years ago, I think Robert gave the best answer
"you can't go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal," replying that it made sense at the time: "I could pick that apart for two hours and be no closer to the truth than giving you some half-arsed answer right now.
which is true could you expect anyone to remember something said years ago ?! NO! I have trouble remembering what I said an hour ago let alone a few years !
when asked about his relationship with his father (the film star Robert Downey Senior) and the role it played in the dark periods he went through the drug-taking and drinking and whether he feels he's free of all of that now, Robert shook his head, says
"I'm sorry, I really don't .. what are we doing?" and walked out on the interview.
Written By z0mbi3gam3r