Showing posts with label tesco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tesco. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 February 2025

- A guide to moving out Part 2 - the cost of living


 -Cheap meals and tricks-


As i was reading my old posts i saw the cheap meal idea posts and it got me thinking about just how much the cost of food has gotten worse so i thought it would be a good idea on updating the meal ideas and maybe throwing in a few more ! 

Last time i showed you a few cheap meal ideas for under £5 so ill aim for that again this time ill show you a  few ideas from sainsburys

First a tried and tested idea noodles! ko-lee noodles
from sainsburys are just 30p cheap and tasty, as before id go for the chicken flavour , its worth looking out for cheap noodles, if you add the right stuff it can taste great 

If noodles are not your thing Id surgest going for potatoes you can get 2kg of baking potatoes for around £1.80 it will provide a hot meal thats nice and filling when added with the veggies and bacon

Now for the vegetables , when trying to get a good amount of vegetables in  your diet it can be hard on a budget both me and my partner are dibetic so we are allways being told to eat right a good diet , thats easier said then done!

We try and  get a bag off frozen vegetables 1 kg from sainsburys will set you back 99p for stamford street. co theres more types off veggies in here then the tescos own brand and it works out 10p cheaper ! and you can get easy a weeks worth of veggies from it ! 


So far that leaves you with £3.71 from your £5. now depending on if you eat meat you could go for a pack of stamford street co. cooking bacon for £1 buy cutting a few bits up and lightly frying then adding to the cooked noodles and veggies it ill make for a easy and cheap dinner if your on a tight budget 

If bacon isnt your meat of choice they do have chicken nuggies! they do cost 10p more , but should work on the side of the plate with everything else.
Ok so your left with £2.60 a loaf of bread from sainsburys stamford street range will cost  47p , they have both wholemeal and white so you can take your pick ! ive seen that butter can be quite expensive so id try and find a good deal on it if your happy enough to shop about you can get tescos butter for 95p for 500g 

Problem being is how long will it last ? if your going to use it for more then buttering bread , like lightly frying your bacon you'll need more so id go for a bigger tub, like sainsburys butter soft it tastes just like lurpak for half the price you cant knock it , ok its still 500g for around £2 but it will last so much longer then the tescos its well worth it.

 - reduced food - 
Most supermarkets will mark down their stock either the items damaged or close to sell by date you can useally tell the items by a yellow sticker though out the day  this is a great way to pick up a bargin for things you wouldnt useally beable to get , the best time to go in is in the evening times tescos useally do there last reduction around 8pm , its worth poping in if you have the time. it might be a little busy around the reduced sections but if you can get a chance to check it out its worth it !

So ill leave this post here , i hope this helps im planing on doing a blog about the cost of electric supplyers and whats the best option to go for ,  so keep an eye out !

If you have any cheap  meal ideas please feel free to comment below!  

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Gotta love that lasagne ! - Man Fucks His Dinner Then Complains Too hot

As wondering around the vast empty space that is Facebook I found this story. first I nearly pissed my pants laughing yes a man really did  get down and funky with a Tesco value lasagne and they say romance is dead. If this is the type of shopper going to tescos sign me up for lidls. 

The only thing I keep thinking is OMG WHY, WHY WHY  WHY!? the article states he saw a video online of a man getting funky with a home made large lasagne.  talk about being a food lover his google history must be Jamie Oliver's worst nightmare. 

And blistered bell end? well maybe he liked extra cheese ! LOL
now don't get me wrong I love tescos value food as much as the next guy but that's pushing it way to far lol.

Being in tescos at around 3am some times I do see some strange shoppers Ive seen granny's looking at thongs  to young couples to embarrassed to by condoms. it really makes you think , will this guy be a repeat offender ? ! will we need a protection order for the poor tesco value food ?! LOL 

this puts a (w)hole new meaning to the word food porn 

Id like to thank Vince Shaw ( the lasagne lover !) for the best giggles Ive had in ages !

Toad in the hole anyone?
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