Thursday, 4 December 2014

pewdiepie on south park ?!

Yup its happened a youtubers crashed the south park party ! not really a cameo as south park stated but, its only part 1 so who knows ? maybe part two will have pewd's kicking cartman's ass lol. 

So the over all episode focus's on let play videos and how the youth of today are more interested in listening to some YouTuber comment on a video game rather then listening to a human in fount of their faces which is a fair point as each generation comes it seems the human contact aspect of life slips further away, with kids as young as 10 playing with  ipads rather than balls and Xbox's rather than bikes yea Santa still brings a shiny new bike at Christmas then it gets played with for a few weeks, then shoved in the garage to rust away until Santa brings a new one. 

a line in the episode ' the living room is dieing ' a statement that that has never been truer  strange that it comes from south park ! . I cant help but understand their point , sitting last night in a friends house I could see everyone using their devices not talking to each other one on a tablet one one a PC

its like the world as wrapped its self in virtual cotton wool to hide its self away the problem is not all the world is out to get us , yea there's bad guys out there so be careful, but remember the whole world isn't going to mug us the minute you walk out the door be brave and strong the world can be a pretty incredible place !.

a great man once said if technology surpasses the human race the world will have a generation of idiots well that's part true. The next generation or the 'net generation' are not quite idiots they understand maths ,computers English etc... but what about social intelligence ? do they understand the wright way to behave  ?  we learn at primary school how to interact with others, but now with the new phones laptops and game consoles at our finger tips people are more and more using these to talk to their friends that just live down the road its so sad to think this. 

on the subject of the episode yup it was great made me laugh when needed and puked when Lorde was on stage LOL ( not going to drop spoilers) 

so in end ill say this , kids put your devices down and talk to your family it might come as a shock to see them sitting there but guess what they've probably been there all day ! and parents get the kids to play with the greatest toy ever one you probably played with as a kid. Their imagination!

what do you think let me know below

Written by z0mbiegam3r 

Yup its happened a youtubers crashed the south park party ! not really a cameo as south park stated but, its only part 1 so who knows ? maybe part two will have pewd's kicking cartman's ass lol. 

So the over all episode focus's on let play videos and how the youth of today are more interested in listening to some YouTuber comment on a video game rather then listening to a human in fount of their faces which is a fair point as each generation comes it seems the human contact aspect of life slips further away, with kids as young as 10 playing with  ipads rather than balls and Xbox's rather than bikes yea Santa still brings a shiny new bike at Christmas then it gets played with for a few weeks, then shoved in the garage to rust away until Santa brings a new one. 

a line in the episode ' the living room is dieing ' a statement that that has never been truer  strange that it comes from south park ! . I cant help but understand their point , sitting last night in a friends house I could see everyone using their devices not talking to each other one on a tablet one one a PC

its like the world as wrapped its self in virtual cotton wool to hide its self away the problem is not all the world is out to get us , yea there's bad guys out there so be careful, but remember the whole world isn't going to mug us the minute you walk out the door be brave and strong the world can be a pretty incredible place !.

a great man once said if technology surpasses the human race the world will have a generation of idiots well that's part true. The next generation or the 'net generation' are not quite idiots they understand maths ,computers English etc... but what about social intelligence ? do they understand the wright way to behave  ?  we learn at primary school how to interact with others, but now with the new phones laptops and game consoles at our finger tips people are more and more using these to talk to their friends that just live down the road its so sad to think this. 

on the subject of the episode yup it was great made me laugh when needed and puked when Lorde was on stage LOL ( not going to drop spoilers) 

so in end ill say this , kids put your devices down and talk to your family it might come as a shock to see them sitting there but guess what they've probably been there all day ! and parents get the kids to play with the greatest toy ever one you probably played with as a kid. Their imagination!

what do you think let me know below

Written by z0mbiegam3r 


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