Showing posts with label fracas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fracas. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Jeremy Clarkson: Return not ruled out

So, today its a different story according to the BBC Clarkson may return. Its getting silly now , either hes here or not ! its like there keeping him on stand by in-case the new top gear host doesn't play out well. Alan Yentob (BBC creative director) said  "it would be a disappointment if the other presenters quit, but the program might still continue". Well I can see it failing totally, there's no top gear with out the 3 musketeers doing what they do best OK, you could have different guys presenting one of the BBC best shows but i can see it smacking of effort.


the director said   " its perfectly natural" for the presenters to have reservations about continuing on the BBC Two show: "They are a team - they have worked together for a very long time, they are all very attached.i for one hope they stick together and keep the one for all and all for one idea that they have stuck by for so long.

"The question of what happens next for Top Gear is a conversation which must go on between the controller of BBC Two Kim Shillinglaw, between Andy Wilman the producer of Top Gear, and the team."


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Tuesday, 10 March 2015


It is a dark day for us all Clarkson has been suspended from work , and top gear has been canceled and we don't know why the BBC has reported its because Clarkson had a fracas with a beeb producer. according to the BBC no other presenter has been suspended. but yet they punish the top gear fans with taking the show of the air how pathetic. 

YES Clarkson is loud, brutish and very stand off - ish but that's why we like him, hes different, from a generation that will speak their mind and get what they want , I  ask whats wrong with that ? the guy knows what he wants and go's for it ! we could all do with having more Clarkson in us! so I ask the beeb look at what you've done. you have taken of the air  a show that was one of your biggest flagship corners and you wont even tell us the full story ! there's a rumor that he had the 'Fracas' with a woman producer

If it was for having a Fracas with a woman producer what happened to being equal ? if Clarkson had a Fracas with a male producer ? 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r 

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