Showing posts with label z0mbi3gam3r. Show all posts
Showing posts with label z0mbi3gam3r. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Toby Turner - another one bites the dust -

It seems not that long ago a different youtuber was being accused of rape and now its Toby turners turn.

On April 8th 2016, YouTuber AprilEfff released a Tumblr post claiming that Toby Turner had abused, raped and drugged her during their relationship in 2013. This was then picked up by drama-alert ( a youtube channel with front man keemstar ) and as you can guess it got a lot of attention , now a lot of woman have come forward to say they have experienced pretty much the same from Toby.

April says in her post that she is “NOT the only one who has experienced the abuse from him”. She also reveals that Toby would act like “a god” to where he thought “he was immune to all rules”. They soon got into an argument over the subject of abortion after he said “some girl was aborting his baby”. She states that he punched a hole in the wall but later covered it with a calendar before calling her a “faggot” and stating that he hated her blonde hair (which she later dyed brown). He then goes on to state that he forcibly had sex with her as she cried for him to stop. She goes on to tell the story of how Toby slipped MDMA into her alcohol (a deadly combination of substances) before apologising in tears for what he had done. She doesn’t remember anything after that.

It’s difficult to confirm that AprilEfff, who’s real name is April Fletcher, was actually dating Toby however her early Instagram posts proves that she was in fact close to him. This is happening roughly a year after the Sam Pepper allegations. So did Tobuscus rape and drug his ex-girlfriend?

well the Internet is torn as perusal if you go to drama alerts new video you'll see lots of comments saying shes a attention seeking whore  , BUT with the big youtube stars coming out to support April its really hard to tell whats going down.

After the post was made another smaller You Tuber and Playboy model by the name of Amelia Talon came forward with a YouTube video in which she stated she does “not doubt April at all” and has “witnessed first hand what he does to other women”. She states that he had on multiple occasions became “sexually aggressive” and even heavily pressured her and tricked her into taking Ecstasy (MDMA/Molly) and Cannabis (Marijuana/Weed). On March 8th 2014, Toby accidentally left a smoking pipe and lighter in the background of his Walking Dead play through video on his most popular channel Toby Games which caused a small controversy on Reddit and in the YouTube comments. Cannabis is a Class-B drug however is medically legal in California and so it’s unsure as to whether Toby was purchasing it legally or if the pipe was being used for that at all. Although, MDMA is a Class-A drug which could land Toby in prison for up to 7 years for possession or 25 years for supplying it to April and other ex-girlfriends. Amelia claims in her video that Toby would get his “MDMA from pornstars” who he later cheated with. One day later he revealed a vlog titled “I’M GOING TO JAIL” in which he claimed that the pipe was sent to him by a viewer.

with all this going on you would wonder what the hell he would have to say about it ... well in fact hes said nothing at all but his mother has YEP his mum if any of this is true and i mean IF surely he would be screaming from the roof tops ? instead of hiding and his mum having to step in , now I'm not saying what his mum did is wrong any parent would want to defend their child , surely though an innocent man would speak for him self..

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Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Girl that Fucks Dogs Yup this is real.

So ermmm yea.. latest news from the ark side of you tube is about Miss Whitney Wisconsin , little miss dog fucker (yes that is real ) a few months ago leafy covered a video by her in were she talks about how she gets far to close to mans best friend.

I'm lost for words really I mean EW EW EW and EW! that's just OMFG EW !!! really someone like this needs to be banned from the Internet what influence could she have on others? she says you cant get std's from dogs ( OK maybe that's true ) but what about the other illness's you can get ? think id be more worried about the dog catching something from her

what of her family / parents this is all over the Internet what must they think ? its not just lil' dog fucker that gets effected its also her family to.

with the Internet making the world a smaller and smaller place when she gets older this will come back to bite her in the arse she may love the attention now but she cant ever let this go.

and what's her next move ? to stalk the lizard king him self I'm talk about leafy of course now hes pretty much a dick, but with a crazy girl like this id run like fuck.

 Whitney's Rise to Shame

Recently she has made a bit of a splash around the Internet with a controversial video, in which she masturbates in a Wal Mart bathroom while wearing a playboy bunny outfit, leaves the bathroom without washing her hands, then walks around the store asking men if the "perfume" on her fingers smells good. With such memorable reactions as, "What the Hell is that" and "Not great, not bad. I don't know, it smells weird", she totally got them you guys ha ha.

Hilariously, everyone except for an extremely old man said they either couldn't smell it, or it smelled bad, so the end result of her "prank" is basically people telling her that her own pussy stinks.

what a dumb fucking bitch. 

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Sunday, 27 March 2016

More Cheap Meals ideas - the guide to moving out part 1 -

A week to Pay Day you look in the kitchen and you see sod all , you check the bank and you got £5 to do the week for meals that's 3 a day for 1 week so what do you do ? sit in a corner and hide ? looking at pictures of food on line watching you tube videos of epic meal time getting to the point  where you want to eat the screen ? 

well we've all been there your literately thinking what would ice soup would taste like , or if you pick the mold of the bread could you still eat it with out sitting on the loo the rest of the day swearing lots...

well never fear I can help you cook some great cheap meals that will last you about 1 week here are a few tips to help you on the way :

lets break it down you've got £5 for meals that's enough for :

Tesco value bread at 40p 
Tesco value beans at 39p
Tesco value soft cheese 49p

Lets start of simple , if you have a sandwich toaster your sorted with this, simply spread the soft cheese on the bread and add 2 table spoon fulls of beans in the middle add the other slice on top then place in a warm sandwich toaster let it cook for a few minutes until golden brown. take it out and you'll have a quick snack that's great any time.

If you don't have a sandwich toaster its OK , simply toast the bread under the grill with the soft cheese and cook the beans separately then Dig in . The beans you don't use put in a air tight container for next time !

So after that you got 3.72 left another great idea is 

Tesco value pasta at 30p
Tesco value everyday value mixed veg (frozen ) 89p 

and the soft cheese from the last meal :) 

OK cook the pasta and veg in the one pan ... add the soft cheese its a great quick dinner that you can keep in the fridge if you cook to much for next time. As for the amounts you cook that's up to you personally I cook about 2 handfuls of pasta and a bout the same for the veg.

So that's 2 meals down already and we have 2.53 left 

a absolute god send for me is noodles Tesco value ones at 20p per pack you cant beat it , if you cant get the 30p pasta from tescos go for a pack of value noodles the chicken ones are the best if you cook them in a pan with the frozen veg add some mayo its just as good.

 so lets get some meat... 

first things first bacon you gotta have bacon 

Tesco smoked bacon 7 slices for 1.50 
Tesco Everyday Value Eggs Minimum Weight Box Of 6 for 70p 
and Tesco value noodles 20p 

so simple a child could cook it , cook the noodles and fry the bacon cut the bacon up in to little bits and mix with the noodles then fry on egg ( soft yolk or hard which ever you like ) add the egg to the top of the noodles and bacon  and there you go! its so good you cant beat it.

from this you should have some left overs weather its the bread the soft cheese or the bacon work around with the ingredients and see what happens !

from time to time ill post more and more tips to moving out and surviving the world out side from budgeting the balance to trying to write a C.V so keep your eyes peeled ! 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Brussels under attack

The world wakes up to yet another terror  attack this time Brussels has seen the horror of suicide bombings. reports say that More than 30 people are believed to have been killed and dozens injured in attacks at Brussels international airport and a city metro station

Twin blasts hit Zaventem airport at about 07:00 GMT, with 11 people reported killed. Another explosion struck Maelbeek metro station near EU headquarters an hour later, leaving about 20 people dead.

It really is sicking to see what the world has come to , with no reason behind it, the evil in the world decides to kill in the name of their 'god'. Now I use that term loosely  as I cant fathom a god or religion that would be OK with killing in their name.

witlessness at the scene said they heard bullets being fired and shouting in Arabic before the two explosions. Others said that people fled the first blast, only to get caught in the second A third bomb failed to detonate and was destroyed by the security services.

My heart really go's out to the  people in brussels I and the world will as the world did with France stand with you. If you look on line you can see so much love from face book to youtube to reddit its sad to see , but great at the same time it fills the world with love.

so why is it sad ? well with all the good wishes and love in the world its not going to fix it.

The Islamic State (IS) group said it was behind the attacks in a statement issued on the IS-linked Amaq agency.

Belgium has raised its terrorism alert to its highest level. Three days of national mourning have been declared.

Prime Minister Charles Michel called the latest attacks "blind, violent and cowardly", adding: "This is a day of tragedy, a black day... I would like to call on everyone to show calmness and solidarity".

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Friday, 15 January 2016

Mr. Mystery Guest? Are you still there? - RIP Mr Alan Rickman -


To start the new year on such a bad note is never good , to say good bye to yet another great actor such as Alan Rickman is gut wrenching. He charmed us all with such greats as Sheriff George of Nottingham ( robin hood ) or the incredible Hans Gruber (Die Hard ) and of course Severus Snape from Harry Potter. this is an Actor that charmed us in to hating and loving the characters he brought to life. a true thespian of English actors.

 Alan Rickman was born on a council estate in Acton, West London, to Margaret Doreen Rose (Bartlett) and Bernard Rickman, who worked at a factory. He has English, Irish, and Welsh ancestry. Alan has an older brother David, a younger brother Michael and a younger sister Sheila. When Alan was 8 years old, his father died. He attended Latymer Upper School on a scholarship. He studied Graphic Design at Chelsea College of Art and Design, where he met Rima Horton, who would later become his life partner. After three years at Chelsea College, Rickman did graduate studies at the Royal College of Art. He opened a successful graphics design business, Graphiti, with friends and ran it for several years before his love of theatre led him to seek an audition with the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA). At the relatively late age of 26, Rickman received a scholarship to RADA, which started a professional acting career that has lasted nearly 40 years, with no signs of stopping, a career which has spanned stage, screen and television and has lapped over into directing, as well.

So with this I'll say Rest in Peace Mr Alan Rickman.

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Sunday, 15 November 2015


Its with a heavy heart I write once again about a terrorist attack on Paris , the Isis scum decided to open fire on more then 100 innocent civilians It breaks my heart to see what was once a beautiful place full of music art and love has now become the center of Hate a center were you cant walk down the street with out worrying for your own safety. 

so how did this all  happen ? 

well ....

    21:20 - First explosion near Stade de France

    21:25 - Shooting at Le Carillon bar and Le Petit Cambodge restaurant, rue Alibert

    21:30 - Second explosion near Stade de France

    21:32 - More shooting, at the intersection of rue Fontaine au Roi and rue Faubourg du Temple

    21:38 - Shooting at La Belle Equipe bar, rue de Charonne

    21:43 - Explosion at boulevard Voltaire, near Bataclan concert hall

    21:49 - Shooting at Bataclan, then explosions

    21:53 - Third explosion at Stade de France

 it seems three teams carried out the attacks in the French capital which killed 129 people and left more than 350 wounded, the Paris chief prosecutor says.

"We have to find out where they came from... and how they were financed," Francois Molins told reporters.

He said seven attackers had been killed, and that all had been heavily armed and wearing explosive belts.

Friday's attacks, claimed by Islamic State militants, hit a concert hall, a major stadium, restaurants and bars.

Mr Molins also said the arrests of three men in Belgium on Saturday were linked to the attacks.

Paris gunmen

Police say seven attackers, who had worked in "three co-ordinated teams" to carry out Friday's attacks, died by blowing themselves up:

  • Three at the Bataclan venue at the end of the concert siege
  • Another blew himself up a short distance away from the concert hall on the Boulevard Voltaire
  • Three more blew themselves up at eating places near the Stade de France
One of the dead attackers had been identified as a 30-year-old Frenchman. He had a criminal record but had never spent time in jail. However, he had been flagged up as a possible Islamist extremist.

As I type this I really cant believe it , but sadly its true all I can say is if your reading this in France stay safe and as for the Isis scum well you can burn in hell Your nothing but cowards fighting for a lost course
We must never forget what happened.  Not only to remember the fallen, but to remember what they are like, the IsIs scum are the hidden army fueled by hate and Fear that can strike at any time.

so before I rant on far to much ill stop there. 

Written By Z0mbi3gam3r 


Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Dear Fat people - Nicole Arbour-

Yea this thing, By now most of you should know about the Dear Fat video posted by the you tuber Nicole Arbour, were she basically fat shames the world saying how they smell of sausage and how they get treated better because they're bigger, basically shaming them because they made 'bad life choices' judging them by how they look and not what they are like. 

The entire internet has responded by screaming back at her telling her to STFU and GET THE FUCK OF THE INTERNET!!   from Drama alert to boogie2988 and for a few days it did look like she got the message 

 but no such luck if you search her on youtube shes still there.  and still being a royal bitch.

Nicole begins the six minute rant by saying ‘Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. ‘That’s the race card with no race.’ She mimics: “Yeah, but I couldn’t fit into a store. That’s discrimination”. Uh no. That means you are too fat, and you should stop eating.’

she doesn't stop to think of something very, very important what if they have a health condition you cant see ? perhaps that family she saw at the airport have issues she could not see like mental health ?  if she really believes its OK to judge someone by how they look then she needs to take a long look in the mirror 

OK she does say that she’s not talking about people who have specific health conditions, but rather the ’35 per cent of North Americans who are obese’. But as I said what if the family at the airport may have health conditions!!! again she is judging with out thinking what a  silly cow .

The clip has now been viewed over 20 million times on Facebook and over one million on YouTube, despite the video-sharing site temporarily disabling the account on Saturday afternoon, before reinstating it.

    We literally broke the Internet… With comedy. #censorship

    — Nicole Arbour (@NicoleArbour) September 6, 2015

Nicole claimed she was being censored by people who don’t understand satire.

    Wow, I'm the first comedian in the history of @YouTube to be #censored There are graphic videos about murder and torture, but satire is

    — Nicole Arbour (@NicoleArbour) September 6, 2015

But, it seems, a lot of people didn’t get the joke.

Plus-size spokesperson Tess Holliday tweeted to say she refused to watch ‘clickbait’ like that.

    If you want to know what I think about a certain video going around: NOTHING. I refuse to watch clickbait like…

    — Tess Holliday! (@Tess_Holliday) September 6, 2015

She later added: ‘Fat shaming doesn’t save lives, it kills them.’

    Fat shaming doesn't save lives, it kills them.

    — Tess Holliday! (@Tess_Holliday) September 6, 2015

so lets break this down she has said fat shaming is not a real thing that 'fat' people made it up the whole thing but quoted from her video ....

‘If we offend you so much that that you lose weight, I’m okay with that,’ she argues. ‘You are killing yourself.’ She also goes on to mock body positive hashtags on social media, saying:’If you really think enough of you hashtag something bad for you, it makes it okay?’

does that not qualify  as  fat shaming its self ?! in-fact her entire video is fat shaming !! 

before I write pages and pages about this video ill stop there. 

I will say one more thing , no matter what size you are , or what ever hair colour you have  you are perfect the way you are !! dont care what others think, you are great the way you are ! don't listen to the haters you need to 'own it' be confident in who you are ! 

written by 


Monday, 24 August 2015

Pokémon world championships Armed for arrest

Pokemon world championships. its not something you'd link with gun shootings and mass murders. the Pokemon world is usually full of love and cuddles and the only evil thing is Team Rocket aqua and magma. So when 2 utter evil retards decided to drive to Boston USA to shot up the place you can imagine the shock of the Internet when it was reported. lucky though these retards decided to post about it on face book 

so what did they bring  ?  well i think this says it all a complete arsenal. Police found several weapons in their car including a shotgun, a rifle, "several hundred rounds" of ammunition and a hunting knife.

The men were originally suspected of making violent social media threats to people attending the gaming event in Boston.
Security at the convention reported the threats on Thursday and the suspects were stopped as they were about to enter the gaming event hours later, Boston police said.

you've got to wonder what the hell they were thinking its the Pokémon world championships not war , how pathetic can you be ? what were they thinking of doing!!! the championships are a place for family's to go The men, who were due to compete in the finals, were named as 18-year-old Kevin Norton and 27-year-old James Stumbo.

They told police only that they had driven to the event from Iowa. They have now been arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition, as well as other firearms offenses, Boston Police said Superintendent Paul Fitzgerald, commander of the Boston Police District's Bureau of Intelligence and Analysis, praised the private security firm for working with the authorities.
 Lets hope they never see the light of day 

Written By 


Tuesday, 11 August 2015

dial L for Pervert ?! - Minecraft pervert harassed teenager and older woman in sick Facebook campaign -

So, New you tube drama has hit the Internet and its to do with the kid friendly stampy long nose and crew, it seems his right hand man has been outed as a massive Perv! 

Lee Carson, known on line as his user name 'L for Leeeeee' used a pair of pants for a sex act in one woman's house - then hid them for her to find how sick can you get ? well ladies and gents theres more, much more so hold on to your diamond pickaxes its going to get dark , 

In twisted advances to one of his teenage victims, the teenager demanded a picture he could use for his “w*** bank”. Carson – formerly of Gottries Road, Irvine, but now living in Bognor Regis – pleaded guilty to two charges of engaging a course of conduct causing fear and alarm.

The 16-year-old's offences date back as far as December 2013.

His first target was the younger woman whom he snared using a Face book friend request in the false name of ‘Michael Duffy’.

When she told him she was disgusted, she received another Face book message stating: “I know you and I would do anything to make you scream.”

yup Freddy krueger right there!  dude probably has half naked headless barbie dolls hidden under his bed as well.

Carson also sent her obscene photographs of himself.

He told the teenager that he had spoken to her previously and referred to “walking behind her in the street and her being unaware of his presence”. how fucked up can you get ! ? !

The communication only stopped when she threatened to report the matter. The young woman was described in court as “increasingly anxious about her personal safety” – particularly when she was at school, because she suspected that another pupil was responsible.

 he eventually reported the matter at Irvine Police Office in March this year. The court heard that, in February 2014, the older woman also received a Face book friends request from ‘Michael Duffy’.

A few days later she began to receive sexually explicit messages.

In particular, Carson told her he “had removed a pair of red pants, smelling them and being aroused by them”.

And told her he had secreted them behind a set of drawers.

The alarmed woman sent her son to look and he found the underwear where Carson had said it would be.

Carson later sent the woman an obscene picture of himself and told her: “I want to give you this.”

It was then that she told him she was contacting the police.Police officers initially had difficulty in tracking Carson down as he had deleted the Michael Duffy Face book account.
They later received information that he might be responsible and he was interviewed at a police station in England.
Carson was identified through DNA. In an impact statement, she said Carson’s actions had affected not only her health, but that of her own son. Carson, she said, was “a danger to others”. Sheriff Foran deferred sentence until September 22 and called for criminal justice social work report and a risk assessment.

The sheriff will also deal with a prosecution move to have Carson placed on a sexual offenses prevention order.
Such an order would severely restrict his access to computer technology and the Internet, as well as barring him from any unsupervised contact with anyone under 16. 

now I think at this point we should address the long nose cat in the room. the stampy cat seem to be keeping his lips tightly closed and who can blame him? stampys just been approved to be on the you tube kids app , and now this ? i hope this doesn't make things harder for stampy and  the crew , have to admit as a grown human being i do love watching his videos lol. it would be such a shame if this brought down stampy and crew 

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Tuesday, 16 June 2015

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Holly fucking shit balls the guys are back !!!! yes the wonders that is Matt stone and trey Parker have waved their god like hands over yet another game. have to admit I was hoping for the series to make an appearance first but it looks like a duel release which kinda sucks , but beggars cant be choosers. the only concern is the whole pre-order thing will this be the same as last time ? lets hope for towelys sake not ! well with out further or due here it is the trailer


so the new game follows on from were we left of last time , South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone took to the stage to confirm The Fractured But Whole continues the story of The Stick of Truth, and you once again play as the New Kid. But this time the kids are playing as super heroes this time. Of course its the coon and friends

what could go wrong ? hopefully with the release of this one nothing !

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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

The return of the last 2 (Top Gear episodes)

Sitting on face book yesterday  I happened to notice something all good top gear fans have been waiting on , finally the return of the last  two episodes of the greatest car show ever to hit the BBC of course I'm talking about top gear the beeb have shown a trailer

its reported by the beeb that Hammond and may will be the only presenters in the show which leads me to wonder are they strong enough to handle it ? is the beeb using this as a pilot to see if they can run the ship with out the captain ? I bloody hope not, now I not saying may and Hammond are bad at what they do in fact their pretty great but to take out a BIG part of the magic of top gear you'll be killing off a massive part of the viewers , literately 1 third

The first film sees Jeremy, Richard and James living the lifestyle of traditional classic car , acquiring a Fiat 124 Spyder, Peugeot 304 Cabriolet and MGB GT before setting off an adventure incorporating brown beer, as usual car  breakdowns and attending a car show where everything goes wrong in true top gear style . 

In the second film, the adventurous  trio attempt to become ‘lifestyle leisure enthusiasts' with the help of some very ratty old 4x4s Armed with a budget of only £250, the three each purchase a high-mileage, low-quality SUV - Clarkson a Vauxhall Frontera, Hammond a Jeep Cherokee and May a Mitsubishi Shogun Pinin  before embarking on a series of grueling challenges

So what's left to say ? well it seems that the beeb have other motives like their dangling top gear on a hook infront of the viewing public just to see if we bite and who knows if we bite they might bring the big guy back ! 

written by 


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Dad Forces Son To Destroy his XBOX 1 !

If you look on line you'll find a lot of videos of parents smashing their kids gaming consoles from Xbox's to PlayStation's even laptops  this month there's the latest in a long line of videos this one though is a bit different instead of smashing up the kids x bone and 360 he decided to order the kid to do it.


But why? I hear you ask well Jason ( the poor sod in the video), had three weeks to improve his performance at school and he apparently couldn't get it together. Now before we judge the parent or the boy we need to stop and think maybe Jason just didn't bother in school or maybe hes really finding it hard to learn ? or maybe the parent is a hill billy red neck and just didn't care?  either way the Internet cant judge before they know the facts, either sides have been very vocal on the matter , some saying the kid was not studying enough its the kids fault others saying that the dad is a Psychopath the truth is you cant pass judgement until you know the facts maybe the kid is a little shit  and the dad is trying to set him straight ? if that's the case then yea he did deserve it if not well personally I think its a step to far, I cant help but think it would of been better to give it away or smash it your self ? instead of getting him to do it ? 

the new wave of creative parenting hitting the kids of today has me thinking ( OK I'm going to sound old now )
when I was younger you got a clip around the ear or a slap to the back of the legs and most of my generation grew up respecting our elders or in some cases completely hating them! we had more respect we knew were the line was , as for now well I tend to shudder for the youth of today , kids don't talk to each other unless its with a phone texting or on a IM service , So ill say this if your reading this right now and your the type of person that communicates only through a device put it own and go hug the one you love ! 

and as for the parents think of this , there has to be  a better way to get your kids attention then smashing something you probably paid for !!!!

Written By 


Friday, 22 May 2015

Super Girl , super needy !

By the power of the Internet Ive seen the pilot for Super Girl and I really don't know what to say with the reboot of flash from the pilot I could see it had potential to grow but with the Blondie haired Super hero I'm   really not sure its got the basics to make it work but its almost like its been factory made my DC it follows to much of the same old story line , a hapless assistant who's only job is to fetch coffee for their over powering boss (Calista Flockhart) who takes devil wears prada to a hole new level. I have a feeling that this is going to be far to super needy rather than Super Girl  

now to address the elephant in the room , Mr James Olsen from the classic series hes a geeky white kid  with big dreams so instead of sticking with continuity DC decided to change it all, this is their idea of Jimmy Olsen an you spot their 'New' one ? 

Yup you guessed it ! now I'm all for diversity but this is to silly ! , as for the episode its self well apart from the needy super girl and the 'OMG I HATE MY JOB LIKE SO MUCH FML' mentality the action scenes weren't so bad but they could of stuck with the first orgin story :

Kara Zor-El was the last survivor of Argo City of the planet Krypton, which had survived the explosion of the planet and had drifted through space. When the inhabitants of the colony are slain by green kryptonite which was released by metorites striking the lead barrier, Kara is sent to Earth by her father Zor-El to be raised by her cousin Kal-El, known as Superman. Fearing that she might not be recognized by Superman, Kara's parents provide a costume based on the Man of Steel's own. 

instead they have Kara sent to earth to protect Kal-El , and instead of using a different name like the man of steel they keep her own! 

I really don't see Super Girl lasting long I don't have high hopes for it , but I do hope I'm wrong it would be great to see it fly so high!

Written By 


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

what Jack did ....(JaackMaate)

Lately Ive seen a few different things regarding Fat shaming this disturbs me a lot from the reddit mob shaming any girl over size 10 , to a you tuber I did follow before today as you've probably guessed his name is Jack

I want to break down what he said , OK its his taste to say he doesn't like obese people that hes not attracted to them personal choice I get it BUT to say obese people in general need to get some self respect is just fucking pathetic he doesn't  know what it's like , most obese people have reasons behind their life weather its depression or health reasons you can not comment like he did its completely out of order ! and to quote from his words 'Do they not care if they drop down dead tomorrow ? ' well I gather they do, being obese its nothing to be ashamed of ! as it comes from a food addiction its been proven that its easy to become addicted to food. you'll find most over weight people are unhappy with their life and would love to lose weight  but cant until they address the issues holding them back. its people like Jack  that make there lives so much worse. good job you jack ass

now for the last bit skinny girls are bitches. coming from personal experience  most of them are! plenty of times I've seen and been on the wrong end  of a plastic girl ( you know the ones I mean , ones with more makeup then boots , so much hair product they've forgotten what their hair colour is)  so yea I'll agree with Meghan on this one most defiantly.

I think the most disturbing thing of all is that 172 people actually liked this post if this is were the next gen of kids are heading then god help us all.

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Comic Con!! Belfast !! and red dwarf RETURNS!!

I discovered something since last year , waiting for Christmas is easier then waiting for Comic Con! since the first last year Ive  been hooked.
from cos play guys to retro games this year it had it all

with special guests like Danny John-Jules (which was by far the best guest yet! ) and he did say RED DWARF IS COMING BACK!!!!!! best news since the long awaited return of X files, with series 11 and 12 on the way TV for the next couple of years looks out standing and the hall I got from this year really , really was  great 

2 game boy yellow's 2 copies of Pokemon yellow 2 t shirts one from SHIELD the other the exploding tardis from the 'The Pandorica Opens' episode of doctor who

the best thing yet a child play 2 POP vinyl figurine this is my first one , Ive seen these around there every were but figured id wait to I see one I really, really like and I'm so glad I waited !!! !
my diabetes really did take a bit of a kicking this year with the sweet stalls a plenty

one great attraction they had was the star cars the general lee and bumble bee both cars in great condition if you check out our you tube channel here :RES1080p Youtube there is a more closer up video of the cars

this weekend was most defiantly worth the money and time all I can say in wrap up is ROLL ON NEXT YEAR !!

written By 


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Robert Downey Jr walks out on Channel 4!

Just when you decide to put some faith back in to a broad casting company after the BBC had sacked Clarkson , channel 4 decided to basically tried to make one of the most loved Hollywood stars  look like a complete prick !!! 

Krishnan Guru Murthy ( ill call him KGM ) during the interview decides for some unknown reason to ask about his past , from the drugs to the prison even to the relationship with his father I mean how bad can you get ? ! !? Robert has put that behind him is is a fantastic actor , he owns Iron Man and Sherlock!. Its clear KGM didn't feel right asking so why ASK!!! you complete and utter moron! Robert doesn't owe the public anything hes paid for his crimes and moved on you cant keep bringing it up for your 15 Min's in the spot light its pathetic !!!

I've got to give massive respect to Robert for walking out as someone once said it takes a great man to start a fight but a bigger one to walk away I prey that this doesn't put him of coming to the UK 

when the questions turned to his past experience of serving a prison sentence for the drug charges the hole atmosphere changed

when KGM asked about a quote of Roberts from a few years ago, I think Robert gave the best answer 
"you can't go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal," replying that it made sense at the time: "I could pick that apart for two hours and be no closer to the truth than giving you some half-arsed answer right now.

which is true could you expect anyone to remember something said years ago ?! NO! I have trouble remembering what I said an hour ago let alone a few years !

when asked about his relationship with his father (the film star Robert Downey Senior) and the role it played in the dark periods he went through the drug-taking and drinking  and whether he feels he's free of all of that now, Robert shook his head, says
"I'm sorry, I really don't .. what are we doing?" and walked out on the interview.

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Tuesday, 21 April 2015


Here is a prime example of someone that shouldn't have kids. 

and why do you ask ? well Rachel lehardt decided to let her  16-year-old daughter and her friends drink alcohol and smoke marijuana in her Georgia home
you might think that's all of it BUT nope she pushed it further 

They 'all played naked Twister and Lehnardt had sex with an 18-year-old man in the bathroom before playing with sex toys in front of the teens' EW EW!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE ! NOW!
She said she went to bed alone but awoke to her daughter's 16-year-old boyfriend having sex with her; there are is no charges against him
After the incident, she lost custody of her children (GOOD!) and told her AA sponsor, who contacted authorities

this is a great example of someone that shouldn't have kids , and should be locked up. 

i think the worst thing of all is the daughter a miss guided youth that has the wrong idea on things if this is true then she needs the most help her mother is lost so Rachel Lehardt go's to bed around 3:30am and wakes to find the 16 boyfriend of the daughter having sex with her

'She stated at first she thought it was the 18-year-old from earlier, but then realised it was the 16-year-old who was in fact her daughter's boyfriend,' Lehnardt's sponsor told deputies.
The daughter told her mother she felt guilty because the boyfriend's 10-inch penis was so large she could not have sex with him, and he needed to have sex with her mother instead. and now there's sex with minors fucking pathetic. 

 I now feel sick either the daughter has really shitty choices in men or she was just using her mum to get her boyfriend laid either way its far to much for my head to take in.

this has been in the new for a few days now and to be honest i wanted to blog about this sooner but i figured its best to wait to the children talk out give their story 

what does the daughter have to say well, "Yes my mom was arrested. Yes she made some mistakes. Yes she is an alcoholic. Yea I've f--ked up too. But nobody deserves this s--t. So stop."

I get the impression that shes just to blame she knew her mum is an alcoholic but still had a party at hers. its like hanging a chocolate cake in front of someone that's on a diet or holding a cig in front of someone that's trying to stop smoking your just asking for trouble.

not only did she give under age kids booze but drugs to and  she played naked Twister with them in the living room to!! .While the youngsters continued playing, she allegedly went into a bathroom and had sex with an 18-year-old man,When she returned, she brought out sex toys and started to use them on herself in front of the teenagers,

yes this woman needs locked up. her kids need help and the world needs to learn form this.

Written By Z0mbi3gam3r

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

To We Ride Again My Friend Fast 7

I really don't know what to say about the last fast and furious film , it delivered hard hitting action with the love you see in any family and it felt like a fitting tribute to the last and great Paul walker , At the start of the film is the most hard hitting line Ive ever heard in any film, Given by Tyrese Gibson ( plays Roman Pearce )

"Promise me one thing Brian no more funerals ......" Yes I can admit I did shed a tear this point I'll happily admit it, The producers did a great job at distracting you that Paul walker was gone, until don says good bye then its hanky's at the ready as an adult I'll gladly admit to crying, Such a fitting good bye to someone I never knew but kind of did. Growing up with the fast and furious franchise it was easy to get pulled in to the story line and understand the main message of it all. 

Family comes first. That's what they are, Family they have grown since the first fast and furious film drifted on to our screens.

The best part of the film has got to be Jason Statham kicking ass with the rock and Vin diesel !  MY GOD its like the god of thunder going 10 rounds with the hulk freaking BRILLIANT! 

 You cant forget Dom driving The Lykan HyperSport through 3 different high rise buildings! Yes my god yes if you want to go to the cinema this year to see one film MAKE IT THIS ONE!

I really don't want to give to much away so I'll just say this the Fast 7 is by far the best fast and furious film there is, If you've enjoyed the others go see this one. I cant stress this enough its got it all Love, action, sadness and a hero to the very end you will be missed Paul Walker, Sir you will be missed.

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Saturday, 11 April 2015

#FreeTheNipple: Women in Iceland bare their breasts on Twitter


OK so a 17 year old girl in Iceland decided to 'free the nipple' and the Internet has exploded ( well twitter has ) forget the fact shes decided to bare all on line , how about the fact SHE'S 17!?! surely that's counted as child porn!!!!! ? EW EW EW EW EW EW  !!!! 

The hash tag went viral in Iceland after 17-year-old student Adda Þóreyjardóttir Smáradóttir announced an upcoming ‘Free the Nipple’ day at her school, The Commercial College of Iceland.
After receiving criticism, she posted an image of her nipples on Twitter.
She was immediately body-shamed and trolled.

the point she was making is that men can walk around topless while women can’t. OK fair point but lets look at the facts , ladies boobies are basically used for 2 things feeding babies and sexual pleasure the sickest thing is now more woman are bearing all on line they don't know what they are doing this might not encourage rape but what about the other things woman fight to stop ? harassment , sexual assault etc.. ? I'm worried that a band of woman are being miss leaded by a 17 year old girl now I'm all for equal rights men and woman deserve the same rights its only fair , but there's a limit when you take something like this your going to get back lash it happens and to do it on line you asking for trolls to start the Internet is full of them! 

I really hope really , really , hope she gets her ideals right , shes 17 showing her tits of she needs to understand its not about that. if you want to fight equal rights use the best put of the body both men and woman have 

the mind.

Written By


Thursday, 9 April 2015

Dare Devil - On netflix - only a few days away!!!!!

ITS ALMOST HERE! we've watched the film read the comics and now YES !! the daredevil is coming to a netflix near you!

Blinded as a young boy but imbued with extraordinary senses, Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) fights against injustice by day as a lawyer, and by night as the vigilante Daredevil in modern day Hell's Kitchen, New York City.

So whats the cast going to be for the netflix series ? lets take a look , 

Charlie Cox to play Dare Devil
he's an English actor best known for his roles as Tristan Thorne in Stardust and Owen Sleater in the second and third seasons of HBO's Boardwalk Empire
Deborah Ann Woll to play Karen Page
 Deborah Ann Woll is an American actress best known for her role as Jessica Hamby on HBO's True Blood

Vincent D'Onofrio to play the Kingpin

Vincent Philip D'Onofrio is an American actor, director, producer, writer, and singer. An accomplished character actor, he has been referred to as "The Human Chameleon" and is often called an "actor's actor". 

Scott Glenn to play Stick
Scott Glenn better known as Scott Glenn is an American actor. His roles
have included Wes Hightower in Urban Cowboy, astronaut Alan Shepard in The Right Stuff

So it looks like a great line up! with lots of questions coming to mind like ' is elektra making an appearance?' and will they have any cross overs? I CANT WAIT !!!! tell me what you think are you looking forward to it are you dreading it ? let me know 

written By z0mbi3gam3r 

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