OK so a 17 year old girl in Iceland decided to 'free the nipple' and the Internet has exploded ( well twitter has ) forget the fact shes decided to bare all on line , how about the fact SHE'S 17!?! surely that's counted as child porn!!!!! ? EW EW EW EW EW EW !!!!
The hash tag went viral in Iceland after
17-year-old student Adda Þóreyjardóttir Smáradóttir announced an
upcoming ‘Free the Nipple’ day at her school, The Commercial College of
After receiving criticism, she posted an image of her nipples on Twitter.
She was immediately body-shamed and trolled.
the point she was making is that men can walk around topless while women can’t. OK fair point but lets look at the facts , ladies boobies are basically used for 2 things feeding babies and sexual pleasure the sickest thing is now more woman are bearing all on line they don't know what they are doing this might not encourage rape but what about the other things woman fight to stop ? harassment , sexual assault etc.. ? I'm worried that a band of woman are being miss leaded by a 17 year old girl now I'm all for equal rights men and woman deserve the same rights its only fair , but there's a limit when you take something like this your going to get back lash it happens and to do it on line you asking for trolls to start the Internet is full of them!
I really hope really , really , hope she gets her ideals right , shes 17 showing her tits of she needs to understand its not about that. if you want to fight equal rights use the best put of the body both men and woman have
the mind.
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