Showing posts with label comply. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comply. Show all posts

Thursday, 30 October 2014

The feminist's fight back!

So there's been more feminist videos cropping up on YouTube , from young girls dropping the F bomb 

to 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman to loads more , whether its girls playing as the victim or girls actually becoming a victim. you've gotta ask what the outcome is going to be ? now I'm all for equal rights in women and men, boys and girls but to be honest it looks like the  feminist's are pushing it to far. Will they end up destroying the rights of everyone on the Internet ? pushing for a more wide web police? what they tend to forget is its the Internet there's going to be fights! feelings are going to get hurt, god the Internet is basically like a school play ground one group slating the other, one running to teacher screaming they've been bullied. In the 10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman i couldn't help but notice most if not all of the guys 'harassing' the girl were black, so what does that say ? that these particular  feminist's are raciest ? only showing black guys harassing the girl. Surely there's got to be white guys there as well, and something else i wondered about if she in deed walked for 10 hours why is it only around 2 Min's long? from a outside point of view it seems they only picked what they think is the worse.

If they're going to scream sexism they've gotta remember it works both ways  a woman cant say a guy is being sexist if she her self has said things like 'dumb useless man' ( trying to be polite here )  you can really understand why  feminist's and the word  feminism are quickly becoming quite the taboo on the Internet 

now as for the term gamer , from what I understand there's a group of  feminist's wanting to get rid of the term gamer I cant fathom why, surely the gamer term or label can represent all male, female black, white, gay or straight its a term that covers all so why change it ? if it does change i will still think of  my self a a true gamer always using the label as a gamer and proud to do so , Ive never  gave a fellow gamer a hard time for being different from me and why ? simply because when your online, gaming your on the same playing field as everyone else who cares if your a woman or man ? as long as your not a troll or hacker that's the main point. 

as for the women that scream OH HELP ME INTERNETS I'M GETTING HARASSED !  when in actual fact its more like ......

maybe stop playing the victim and play the game ? show that girls are not whiny little children that scream every time there beaten, more guy gamers will welcome girls, you cry that all guys are the same in game blah blah blah maybe just maybe crying sexism just makes the fire worse? 

now to comment on the girls dropping the 'F bomb' you can see what they're trying to do, make aware of the situation that woman need the same rights as men , yea they have a point equal right for all!, they could of done it so much better though. having young girls and a boy dress us like little princesses saying fuck and rape every two seconds to be honest wont get the point across to the crowd  they really need to take a page out of Emma Watson book, as a role model for the youth of tomorrow i believe she is right on the button, understanding that both sides need equality and understanding.

well ill leave it there , let me know what you think below we'd love to hear your comments :D 

written by z0mbi3gam3r 

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Agents Of Shield - Are you ready to comply ?

Agents of shield hits us with so many feels this week , The good kid ( Donny Gill) brain washed into helping hydra and of course Fitz, poor Fitz seeing Ward face to face , I still think ward is trying to cover his own back like he's holding on to the last bit of power he has , I think there's more to wards story I don't think the writers are done with him yet , Truth is Id like to see him turn good completely though I don't think that's going to happen.
So , Donny Gill - Good kid on the run hiding from both sides, both shield and Hydra want him both as a weapon.
No wonder hes hiding ! Who wouldn't ? One side brain Washes him the other trains him probably to an inch of his life , Though with the fall of Shield who says hydra wasn't there training him as well ?

Agent 33
For those who don't know who she is , Agent 33 is a researcher and historian who has a special interest in classical mythology.
She had studied the career of Greek Demigod Hercules and was instrumental to Nick Fury, In recruiting him to aid S.H.I.E.L.D. against Ares and his Warhawks.
During Hercules' final battle with the Warhawks, Agent 33 discovered that Agent DePaul was a traitor working for Ares. DePaul attempted to kill Agent 33, but instead died himself.
So she does have a long history with marvel , What the future brings for her we don't know. Personally I think shes the evil may , Programmed to kick ass when told , kind of like deathlok with out the incentives program.

One thing I am really glad to see is good old Simmons back, Under cover deep within hydra but why ? To get more Intel or to try and cure Fitz? Either way I can't help but think this kitten is about to roar lets hope Coulson has given her the tools to survive in the forests of hydra.

This series we see a more tougher, stronger more together Skye monitoring her heart rate, Is this a part of her training or something bigger ? With an S.O. like May who can tell ? At-least she doesn't say BANG anymore when the gun go's off !
Without giving too much away to those who haven't seen it yet , I'll say this : BRING BACK LOLA! and it was great ! :D
Can't wait until next week !

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