Yea this thing, By now most of you should know about the Dear Fat video posted by the you tuber Nicole Arbour, were she basically fat shames the world saying how they smell of sausage and how they get treated better because they're bigger, basically shaming them because they made 'bad life choices' judging them by how they look and not what they are like.

but no such luck if you search her on youtube shes still there. and still being a royal bitch.
Nicole begins the six minute rant by saying ‘Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. ‘That’s the race card with no race.’ She mimics: “Yeah, but I couldn’t fit into a store. That’s discrimination”. Uh no. That means you are too fat, and you should stop eating.’
she doesn't stop to think of something very, very important what if they have a health condition you cant see ? perhaps that family she saw at the airport have issues she could not see like mental health ? if she really believes its OK to judge someone by how they look then she needs to take a long look in the mirror
OK she does say that she’s not talking about people who have specific health conditions, but rather the ’35 per cent of North Americans who are obese’. But as I said what if the family at the airport may have health conditions!!! again she is judging with out thinking what a silly cow .
The clip has now been viewed over 20 million times on Facebook and over one million on YouTube, despite the video-sharing site temporarily disabling the account on Saturday afternoon, before reinstating it.
We literally broke the Internet… With comedy. #censorship
— Nicole Arbour (@NicoleArbour) September 6, 2015
Nicole claimed she was being censored by people who don’t understand satire.
Wow, I'm the first comedian in the history of @YouTube to be #censored There are graphic videos about murder and torture, but satire is
— Nicole Arbour (@NicoleArbour) September 6, 2015
But, it seems, a lot of people didn’t get the joke.
Plus-size spokesperson Tess Holliday tweeted to say she refused to watch ‘clickbait’ like that.

If you want to know what I think about a certain video going around: NOTHING. I refuse to watch clickbait like…
— Tess Holliday! (@Tess_Holliday) September 6, 2015
She later added: ‘Fat shaming doesn’t save lives, it kills them.’
Fat shaming doesn't save lives, it kills them.
— Tess Holliday! (@Tess_Holliday) September 6, 2015
so lets break this down she has said fat shaming is not a real thing that 'fat' people made it up the whole thing but quoted from her video ....
‘If we offend you so much that that you lose weight, I’m okay with that,’ she argues. ‘You are killing yourself.’ She also goes on to mock body positive hashtags on social media, saying:’If you really think enough of you hashtag something bad for you, it makes it okay?’
does that not qualify as fat shaming its self ?! in-fact her entire video is fat shaming !!
before I write pages and pages about this video ill stop there.
I will say one more thing , no matter what size you are , or what ever hair colour you have you are perfect the way you are !! dont care what others think, you are great the way you are ! don't listen to the haters you need to 'own it' be confident in who you are !
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