Theres been lots of talk lately about the great fem fetal bayonetta,
some saying that she is the complete male dream others saying she is the empowerment of woman after playing bayonetta 1 I can only say ITS JUST A GAME!! OK looking at the facts she is a strong powerful woman that could kick a man to death, with a swift kick to the balls
and yes she is quite sexy there's no denying it but who really cares? lets face it a strong female character that both sells to male and females I wonder were we have seen that before?
so its an old story sex sells. from Lara Croft to bayonetta. its something that happens, playing to gamers needs and desires weather its a man or woman playing its still playing to the needs of the audience as for other female game characters there's a massive list
the not so sexy but animated Amy rose from sonic the hedgehog
or there's:
- Samus Aran in Metroid. ...
- Chun-Li in Street Fighter. ...
- Cammy in Street Fighter. ...
- Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. ...
- Jill Valentine in Resident Evil. ...
- Claire Redfield in Resident Evil. ...
- Meryl Silverburgh in Metal Gear Solid. ...
- Princess Zelda in The Legend of Zelda.
the point I'm making is there is woman characters in video games and strong ones to , and yes some are out right sexulised like bayonetta, but others are there to kick ass like Anna from tekken perhaps? or Nina? sure still a sexy female character but powerful and strong which takes me back to of course Bayonetta a strong powerful sexy woman that makes one hell of a game.
Ill leave it on that note , what do you think ? are the female characters in video games nothing but a dream driven by men ? Or portrayed as a strong fem fatal figure?
Written By z0mbi3gam3r