Showing posts with label ctrl alt delete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ctrl alt delete. Show all posts

Friday, 14 November 2014

Daniel O'Reilly hitting ctrl Alt delete on Dapper laughs

So it looks like Daniel O'Reilly is deleting all record of dapper of the Internet, what good will it do ? the jokes have been made the videos are online there's no going back. His social media pages have not been active since the fabled news night interview

to be honest hes trying to be the scared little bunny rabbit in the head lights of a fast moving car, OK hes said 'sorry' and 'it shouldn't of gone that far' Blah blah blah , Ive said it before and ill say it again If this was just a character were did the idea come from ? the things he says and the way this 'character' acts makes me believe he was the  boy in school every girl rejected, so how does he respond? by saying things like she’s "gagging for a rape". and 

how pathetic can you get ?  most people are feeling sorry for the guy people like Katie Hopkins, ( I'm not even going to touch that with a pole, she disgusts me more then dapper) 

So this was all a character he made up. making fun of the homeless making out right ' rape' jokes on woman.  So and hes apologised , now what ? from what I can see Daniel O'Reilly is just a one trick wonder. If he is a comedian wheres hes other jokes about other stuff?? from what I can see he is just a out right sexiest bloke who probably  uses more make up then Jordon, guys like this make me ashamed to be a man. 

and now it looks like hes used the Goggle trick of decision on the right to be forgotten, guess what Daniel  that wont work when somethings put on line it stays there :


aren't cached  Page's wonderful?


So ill leave it on that note let me know what you think below should Daniel O Reilly be forgiven ? or should Dapper be killed of ?

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

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