So shes done it again stating that There's no such thing as sexism against men. that's because sexism is prejudice + power .men are the dominant gender with power in society:
seriously Anita I mean really ? men face sexism all the time ! if you don't open your eyes and take a look around soon your going to lose what little grip you have on reality.
I think shes forgetting one of the most powerful women in our time lady Margaret thatcher a strong woman that ran the UK for about 10 years. many young girls look up to her and respect her as do many others and why ? because she was a strong woman that got the job done. you could love her or hate her but cant forget how she got it done.
now to break down her latest tweet first part : Theres no such thing as sexism against men

Social/Legal discrimination
1) Harsher punishments for the same crime.
2) Unfair family courts - not getting custody for the child.
3) Male victims of DV not taken seriously.
4) Male victims of rape not taken seriously.
5) No special laws like VAWA to protect men, even though men are the majority of victims of violent crime.
6) For the same crime, irrespective of the gender of the offender - perpetrator gets more punishment if the victim is female rather than male. This shows the life of men is valued less than women.
7) Men can be conscripted into the army anytime. They cannot even vote without enrolling for the draft.
8) Violence against men by women is socially acceptable, celebrated in the media. Reverse is not true.
9) No/Very few shelters for male victims of DV.
10) No reservations for men in jobs, colleges, etc.. (Affirmative action for women)
11) Men stereotyped by society as being violent, abusers, etc.
12) Young men have to pay higher car/road insurance.
13) Young men in Singapore have to compulsorily serve 2 years in the army on turning 18.
14) Male infant circumcision/genital mutilation is legal and performed widely and even completely socially accepted.
15) Males enrolled in are often given tougher, more dangerous tasks to perform than women in the same post (in a job)
16) Males are expected to carry heavy things for women, give up their seats for women, shovel snow, mow gardens and do any other job involving back-breaking manual labour, that women do not wish to perform.
17) Males are expected to not show emotion and remain stoic, under any circumstance.
18) Males who complain about being objectified are shamed as being “mentally fragile” or their sexuality is questioned.
19) In the army, or any other position men have to meet much higher physical standards than women (disproportionately higher number of push ups, pull ups, etc..)
20) Many countries do not even recognise female on male rape. It can maximally only amount to “sexual assault”
21) Male children are often given harsher punishments by teachers for the same level of mischief as girls.
22) Men are expected to ask women out, pay for dates, decide on the venue – basically it’s the man’s job to impress the woman, and not vice versa.
23) Men have no reproductive choices. The only choice men have is to use a condom (which can fail up to 3-5% of the times) or not have intercourse. Whereas women in addition to a host of contraceptives, also have the choice of abortion.
24) Men’s lives are given less value in any situation. In any emergency, always women are rescued first.
25) When a man slaps a woman, he is an abuser and a monster, When a woman slaps a man, “he must have done something to annoy her”
26) Victim blaming is acceptable ONLY when men are the victims and women the perpetrator.
27) When a man breaks up with a woman, he is called a “jerk”. When a woman dumps a man, “he must have failed her somehow”
28) Males do not have the privilege of showing affection to each other in public, people start questioning their sexuality. This doesn’t apply to women.

how about the Fathers4justice campaign ? those poor fathers are an example of how fathers are treated differently in the courts surely this could be seen as sexism? would you like more examples?
again Anita take your head out of your but hole and take a long look at your self.
and now for the second part of her tweet : that's because sexism is prejudice + power .men are the dominant gender with power in society
again I remind you of lady Margaret thatcher and to take a look at other women of power, Michelle Obama , Angela Merkel , Beyonce Knowles and not forgetting the first female video game designer Carol Shaw.
for those not sure on who she is : breaking the ice for other women in the video game industry. Shaw began as an Atari employee, designing and programing 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1979) for the Atari 2600.[76] Shaw later joined Activision where she designed Happy Trails for the Intellivision and River Raid for the Atari 800 and Atari 5200 for which she is most widely known. Additionally, she designed an unreleased Polo game in 1978 and worked on the game Super Breakout.[77] Now retired, Shaw lives in California with her husband, Ralph Merkle.[78]
Shaw is credited on the following games:
- 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1979), Atari, Inc.
- Video Checkers (1980), Atari, Inc.
- River Raid (1982), Activision, Inc.
- Happy Trails (1983), Activision, Inc.
- River Raid II (1988), Activision Publishing, Inc.
- Intellivision Rocks (2001), Intellivision Productions Inc.
- Polo (2002)
- Activision Anthology (2002), Activision Publishing, Inc.
Ill end on this note , there is sexism towards men they are portrayed as strong bread winning champions unable o doing anything else. I really hope Anita will some day see this.
and as for her view on women in general : both me and Res and the concerned gamer get the impression that she hates women, and thinks shes saving a generation. well your not Anita far from it. thinking she is talking for all woman, well again your not Anita far from it. Women are not thick they can make their own minds up. the only sexism we see here is coming from you against men.
Written by Res1080p ,z0mbi3gam3r and The Concerned Gamer.
So shes done it again stating that There's no such thing as sexism against men. that's because sexism is prejudice + power .men are the dominant gender with power in society:
seriously Anita I mean really ? men face sexism all the time ! if you don't open your eyes and take a look around soon your going to lose what little grip you have on reality.
I think shes forgetting one of the most powerful women in our time lady Margaret thatcher a strong woman that ran the UK for about 10 years. many young girls look up to her and respect her as do many others and why ? because she was a strong woman that got the job done. you could love her or hate her but cant forget how she got it done.
now to break down her latest tweet first part : Theres no such thing as sexism against men
well there is ,
Social/Legal discrimination
1) Harsher punishments for the same crime.
2) Unfair family courts - not getting custody for the child.
3) Male victims of DV not taken seriously.
4) Male victims of rape not taken seriously.
5) No special laws like VAWA to protect men, even though men are the majority of victims of violent crime.
6) For the same crime, irrespective of the gender of the offender - perpetrator gets more punishment if the victim is female rather than male. This shows the life of men is valued less than women.
7) Men can be conscripted into the army anytime. They cannot even vote without enrolling for the draft.
8) Violence against men by women is socially acceptable, celebrated in the media. Reverse is not true.
9) No/Very few shelters for male victims of DV.
10) No reservations for men in jobs, colleges, etc.. (Affirmative action for women)
11) Men stereotyped by society as being violent, abusers, etc.
12) Young men have to pay higher car/road insurance.
13) Young men in Singapore have to compulsorily serve 2 years in the army on turning 18.
14) Male infant circumcision/genital mutilation is legal and performed widely and even completely socially accepted.
15) Males enrolled in are often given tougher, more dangerous tasks to perform than women in the same post (in a job)
16) Males are expected to carry heavy things for women, give up their seats for women, shovel snow, mow gardens and do any other job involving back-breaking manual labour, that women do not wish to perform.
17) Males are expected to not show emotion and remain stoic, under any circumstance.
18) Males who complain about being objectified are shamed as being “mentally fragile” or their sexuality is questioned.
19) In the army, or any other position men have to meet much higher physical standards than women (disproportionately higher number of push ups, pull ups, etc..)
20) Many countries do not even recognise female on male rape. It can maximally only amount to “sexual assault”
21) Male children are often given harsher punishments by teachers for the same level of mischief as girls.
22) Men are expected to ask women out, pay for dates, decide on the venue – basically it’s the man’s job to impress the woman, and not vice versa.
23) Men have no reproductive choices. The only choice men have is to use a condom (which can fail up to 3-5% of the times) or not have intercourse. Whereas women in addition to a host of contraceptives, also have the choice of abortion.
24) Men’s lives are given less value in any situation. In any emergency, always women are rescued first.
25) When a man slaps a woman, he is an abuser and a monster, When a woman slaps a man, “he must have done something to annoy her”
26) Victim blaming is acceptable ONLY when men are the victims and women the perpetrator.
27) When a man breaks up with a woman, he is called a “jerk”. When a woman dumps a man, “he must have failed her somehow”
28) Males do not have the privilege of showing affection to each other in public, people start questioning their sexuality. This doesn’t apply to women.
how about the Fathers4justice campaign ? those poor fathers are an example of how fathers are treated differently in the courts surely this could be seen as sexism? would you like more examples?
again Anita take your head out of your but hole and take a long look at your self.
and now for the second part of her tweet : that's because sexism is prejudice + power .men are the dominant gender with power in society
again I remind you of lady Margaret thatcher and to take a look at other women of power, Michelle Obama , Angela Merkel , Beyonce Knowles and not forgetting the first female video game designer Carol Shaw.
for those not sure on who she is : breaking the ice for other women in the video game industry. Shaw began as an Atari employee, designing and programing 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1979) for the Atari 2600.[76] Shaw later joined Activision where she designed Happy Trails for the Intellivision and River Raid for the Atari 800 and Atari 5200 for which she is most widely known. Additionally, she designed an unreleased Polo game in 1978 and worked on the game Super Breakout.[77] Now retired, Shaw lives in California with her husband, Ralph Merkle.[78]
Shaw is credited on the following games:
Ill end on this note , there is sexism towards men they are portrayed as strong bread winning champions unable o doing anything else. I really hope Anita will some day see this.
and as for her view on women in general : both me and Res and the concerned gamer get the impression that she hates women, and thinks shes saving a generation. well your not Anita far from it. thinking she is talking for all woman, well again your not Anita far from it. Women are not thick they can make their own minds up. the only sexism we see here is coming from you against men.
Written by Res1080p ,z0mbi3gam3r and The Concerned Gamer.
seriously Anita I mean really ? men face sexism all the time ! if you don't open your eyes and take a look around soon your going to lose what little grip you have on reality.
I think shes forgetting one of the most powerful women in our time lady Margaret thatcher a strong woman that ran the UK for about 10 years. many young girls look up to her and respect her as do many others and why ? because she was a strong woman that got the job done. you could love her or hate her but cant forget how she got it done.
now to break down her latest tweet first part : Theres no such thing as sexism against men

Social/Legal discrimination
1) Harsher punishments for the same crime.
2) Unfair family courts - not getting custody for the child.
3) Male victims of DV not taken seriously.
4) Male victims of rape not taken seriously.
5) No special laws like VAWA to protect men, even though men are the majority of victims of violent crime.
6) For the same crime, irrespective of the gender of the offender - perpetrator gets more punishment if the victim is female rather than male. This shows the life of men is valued less than women.
7) Men can be conscripted into the army anytime. They cannot even vote without enrolling for the draft.
8) Violence against men by women is socially acceptable, celebrated in the media. Reverse is not true.
9) No/Very few shelters for male victims of DV.
10) No reservations for men in jobs, colleges, etc.. (Affirmative action for women)
11) Men stereotyped by society as being violent, abusers, etc.
12) Young men have to pay higher car/road insurance.
13) Young men in Singapore have to compulsorily serve 2 years in the army on turning 18.
14) Male infant circumcision/genital mutilation is legal and performed widely and even completely socially accepted.
15) Males enrolled in are often given tougher, more dangerous tasks to perform than women in the same post (in a job)
16) Males are expected to carry heavy things for women, give up their seats for women, shovel snow, mow gardens and do any other job involving back-breaking manual labour, that women do not wish to perform.
17) Males are expected to not show emotion and remain stoic, under any circumstance.
18) Males who complain about being objectified are shamed as being “mentally fragile” or their sexuality is questioned.
19) In the army, or any other position men have to meet much higher physical standards than women (disproportionately higher number of push ups, pull ups, etc..)
20) Many countries do not even recognise female on male rape. It can maximally only amount to “sexual assault”
21) Male children are often given harsher punishments by teachers for the same level of mischief as girls.
22) Men are expected to ask women out, pay for dates, decide on the venue – basically it’s the man’s job to impress the woman, and not vice versa.
23) Men have no reproductive choices. The only choice men have is to use a condom (which can fail up to 3-5% of the times) or not have intercourse. Whereas women in addition to a host of contraceptives, also have the choice of abortion.
24) Men’s lives are given less value in any situation. In any emergency, always women are rescued first.
25) When a man slaps a woman, he is an abuser and a monster, When a woman slaps a man, “he must have done something to annoy her”
26) Victim blaming is acceptable ONLY when men are the victims and women the perpetrator.
27) When a man breaks up with a woman, he is called a “jerk”. When a woman dumps a man, “he must have failed her somehow”
28) Males do not have the privilege of showing affection to each other in public, people start questioning their sexuality. This doesn’t apply to women.

how about the Fathers4justice campaign ? those poor fathers are an example of how fathers are treated differently in the courts surely this could be seen as sexism? would you like more examples?
again Anita take your head out of your but hole and take a long look at your self.
and now for the second part of her tweet : that's because sexism is prejudice + power .men are the dominant gender with power in society
again I remind you of lady Margaret thatcher and to take a look at other women of power, Michelle Obama , Angela Merkel , Beyonce Knowles and not forgetting the first female video game designer Carol Shaw.
for those not sure on who she is : breaking the ice for other women in the video game industry. Shaw began as an Atari employee, designing and programing 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1979) for the Atari 2600.[76] Shaw later joined Activision where she designed Happy Trails for the Intellivision and River Raid for the Atari 800 and Atari 5200 for which she is most widely known. Additionally, she designed an unreleased Polo game in 1978 and worked on the game Super Breakout.[77] Now retired, Shaw lives in California with her husband, Ralph Merkle.[78]
Shaw is credited on the following games:
- 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1979), Atari, Inc.
- Video Checkers (1980), Atari, Inc.
- River Raid (1982), Activision, Inc.
- Happy Trails (1983), Activision, Inc.
- River Raid II (1988), Activision Publishing, Inc.
- Intellivision Rocks (2001), Intellivision Productions Inc.
- Polo (2002)
- Activision Anthology (2002), Activision Publishing, Inc.
Ill end on this note , there is sexism towards men they are portrayed as strong bread winning champions unable o doing anything else. I really hope Anita will some day see this.
and as for her view on women in general : both me and Res and the concerned gamer get the impression that she hates women, and thinks shes saving a generation. well your not Anita far from it. thinking she is talking for all woman, well again your not Anita far from it. Women are not thick they can make their own minds up. the only sexism we see here is coming from you against men.
Written by Res1080p ,z0mbi3gam3r and The Concerned Gamer.
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