Showing posts with label zelda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zelda. Show all posts

Friday, 21 November 2014

the legend of zelda a sexist classist racist game ? from the concerned gamer

So the army of feminazis have been at it again this time attacking a much loved childhood game Zelda the plucky hero with the magical ocarina. 

apparently Zelda is nothing but a sexist, classist , racist   game again I find my self screaming at the screen every time I read something like this, Zelda was one if the first games I played on the Original  nes and loved it did I care that I had to play the male hero saving the day? nope loved it. 

link is also being accused of being classist , HOW just HOW ! ? he starts the very first game with a wooden sword! ( this was back in 1987 so most of the fembitchies weren't even born!)  he doesn't  even have a job! hes just happy enough to go on adventures saving the day hes a poor plucky hero saving the day 

as for the army of fembitches slowly attacking each of our beloved games whats next? perhaps they'd like to start on Mickey Mouse: Adventures in Wonderland? Zelda is wonderful game great for anyone any age , any race. the army of feminazi's forget that Zelda is the childhood friend most gamers can relate. to looking on face book I can see the hate from this 


so ill finish on this note the feminazis don't talk for me i have my own brain , and I love Zelda!

Written By the Concerned Gamer

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