It seems every day I think about what to blog about and every day now Anita sarkeesian hands me something on a plate her latest tweet :
"Gamer Gate is a monster the industry itself created by telling male gamers they’re the centre of the universe & catering to their every whim."
yea she said that. so gamer gate is something created by the industry its self ? I cant see it, call me stupid but I just cant see how the gaming industry created gamer gate considering gamer gate is by their own definition:
A group against the corruption in the gaming industry, from developers to journalists.
how the hell is this a group of male gamers being told they are at the centre of the universe? Ive read the posts by Gamer gate Ive listened to the live streams on you tube Ive looked though the tweeter pages and everyone linked to gamer gate, Ive googled it countless number of times, but yet I still cant see anything that relates to man power !

I'm really getting the impression that Anita is a massive, massive troll. either that or :

now time to tackle that shirt

its sad to think that British scientist Dr Matt Taylor will be remembered not for a great achievement for man kind but wearing a shirt that femnazis are pissed about. so the shirts a little unorthodox on this I have a question , who of us don't have a item of clothing that's a little different from the norm ? personally I have a ghost busters t shirt I ware to work! does anyone complain about it ? No ( I work in a office ) . and lets not forget the grandfather of science Albert Einstein long hair and seen as quite unorthodox But he gave birth the the theory of relativity so I say to the woman of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). give the guy a break hes not the first scientist to be a little different to push the boat out and I dare say he won't be the last
So ill end on that note don't forget to tell me what you think below !
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