Woo! New Internet Fad and as usual its as stupid as the last, the don't judge challenge. Basically its a load of 'beautiful' people making them selves up to be butt ugly in the first half of the video, then in the second half having the big 'revel' showing they're actually what they call 'beautiful'
How stupid can you get ? according to the Internet the new challenge is to stop body shaming. to be honest it looks like its doing quite the latter if you watch some of the videos they're saying people with glasses and acne are ugly ! well their not. The very basis of the challenge is supposed to empower teens and confront those who instantly judge others based on their appearance. But instead, it's making fun of and insulting those who do have these "flaws"

These so called 'flaws' are what make us who we are it makes us unique in our own way, it could be buck teeth acne glasses braces anything really. I've said this before and ill say it again i weep for the kids of today thinking its OK to make fun of someone just because they are different. They're choosing a standard of beauty and saying anyone that's not like that is ugly. Its Bullying on a grad scale utterly pathetic

There is no standard for beauty everyone is beautiful , no matter what you look like glasses, acne, uni-brow if your reading this just remember that. these people that think there helping are truly not, and the people that are just showing how beautiful they are well, they are the mot ugly.You are beautiful just remember that.
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