So Youtube is once again about to hit a massive storm ,
after watching Philip De Franco I see that yet another youtuber has been accused of rape. There's not much I can say its starting to seem that being a You tuber could become taboo. Ive been part of the youtube community for about a year now and since the hole Sam pepper story exploded I don't feel comfortable telling people I have a channel , purely as telling one person replied 'oh isn't Sam pepper on there? '
yea great , so now I tend not to tell anyone. so as for the you tuber accused of rape today ? Craig Dillon I'm
not going to go in to details on this as I'm not to clued on the details or allegations made Craig did respond with this on twitter. It scares me to think that rather going to the police, they'd rather make a youtube video about it, Ive got to ask WHY? if this is true has the world gone up side down!? if the allegations are true once again I find my self saying only the police can judge not the youtube community I can see one day there having to be a full time Internet nanny from every town trolling around looking for 'rape allegation' videos has the world come to a point were instead of human contact asking for help when needed going on line and asking there instead!?!? call me old fashioned but id rather talk to a human being
Dapper Laughs
So this guy yea, a controversial 'comedian' ( if you can call him that?) that plays a character has come under the fire for the jokes and attitude he has. Frankly I cant blame the guys holding the gun , as after watching dapper youtube videos and vine, to be honest I felt uncomfortable 'oh but its all jokes' some people can say that yea , but this is not giving the right representation to the younger lads. telling them things like :
“Girls have periods. I call that ‘blow job week’. What you need to do is get four girlfriends – then it’s four weeks of blowies.”
such a wonderful role model for the younger gents. so if this is just a character were did the idea come from? something had to of sparked this idea and as a guy this makes me feel sick.
As itv have now dropped him like hot coal Ive gotta ask what made them think this would be a good idea?? this guy has had in the past women commenting that he's being sexist. WHAT THE HELL ITV!? do research first ? it helps.
After all the shit storm that's hit from Sam pepper to #gamergate and now the Dapper saga the Internets becoming a place you'll need your parents permission to use, from rape allegations to rape threats. gamer gate is still going strong which I'm glad for as said before I support gamer gate to end the corruption between game Dev's and game reviewers, I believe anyone accused of rape should go though a fair trail by the courts and jokes on rape and women being worth less then men are pure filth. Ill end on this note the Internet scares me all i can say is
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