Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Nintendo Come Back?

So Nintendo remember those guys ? it looks like there not out of the race yet! and thank good for that ! as a Kid a remember spending many many hours playing on my Snes Nes and game boys from my older brothers first game boy, playing tetris to saving my Birthday money up and buying my first self bought console an original Nes
 ( yup the one with the square controllers) remembering the pain of Nintendo thumb and the indentation in the palm of your hands from holding the controller to tight ahh the sweet memories Zelda , duck hunt super Mario  bros and punch out!   

Now for the come back , Nintendo have said they are currently working on new a new hardware system code named  Nintendo NX
Speaking at a press conference held on Tuesday, Iwata (the company's chief executive Satoru Iwata) explained: "As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept under the development codename 'NX'. It is too early to elaborate on the details of this project, but we hope to share more information with you next year."
It is not clear whether the new hardware represents new strides in the handheld or home console business.

also there's more news!!  Nintendo are currently in the works of producing mobile games to !! it seems that Nintendo are really pushing back at the haters showing they're still here and they can scream still, the loudest. Nintendo is collaborating with Japanese developer DeNA to create new games for smart phones a great move their  decision to partner up is a recognition of the importance of the games app audience to the future of its business , But its a risky business mobile apps and games are more frequent with everyone making copies of the game stick , the android  TV boxes if Nintendo decide to make the Operating system android this could be the end of the giants. 

So ill leave it there let me know what you think below !! 

Written By 


Thursday, 12 March 2015

Sir Terry Pratchett may he RIP

Yet with another heavy heart I blog about the passing of yet another legend Sir Terry Pratchett has sadly passed his great and noble career included some of the miracles such as the disc world books and my personal favourite 'Only you can save man kind'. He had a lengthy battle with Alzheimer's which he never let stop him. if anything he used it to push further and  his battle inspired many to do the same. his books well, there a different story they showed a generation of kids what its like to imagine and dream of the impossible. his last tweets will live forever not just in the hearts and minds of the kids 
( now adults)   he inspired but the next generation as well. 

So what else can I say about Sir Pratchett part from thank you , thank you, thank you, thank you you gave us stories we can pass down to the next generation of readers , I think its best left to the great man him self ..


 Written By 


Tuesday, 10 March 2015


It is a dark day for us all Clarkson has been suspended from work , and top gear has been canceled and we don't know why the BBC has reported its because Clarkson had a fracas with a beeb producer. according to the BBC no other presenter has been suspended. but yet they punish the top gear fans with taking the show of the air how pathetic. 

YES Clarkson is loud, brutish and very stand off - ish but that's why we like him, hes different, from a generation that will speak their mind and get what they want , I  ask whats wrong with that ? the guy knows what he wants and go's for it ! we could all do with having more Clarkson in us! so I ask the beeb look at what you've done. you have taken of the air  a show that was one of your biggest flagship corners and you wont even tell us the full story ! there's a rumor that he had the 'Fracas' with a woman producer

If it was for having a Fracas with a woman producer what happened to being equal ? if Clarkson had a Fracas with a male producer ? 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r 

Tim Schafer Gives #GamerGate a kick start

Yea this guy , Tim Schafer now known as the sock puppet guy. a game developer that thinks its OK to mock the very people that he strives to entertain , yes the games he's done are well, legendary with brutal legend, Grim Fandango and one of his most recent,  Stacking. This man I hate to say has got to be one of the worst dev's out there literately going on stage at the GDC awards and turning it in to a farce. Deciding to  use a sock puppet to single-handedly anger an army of gamers me being one of them , to be honest I didn't think someone could stoop so low, you get the impression hes jumping on the anti gamer gate band wagon just to impress the she devil that is Anita sarkeesian the joke that apparently came from the mouth of a sock is as follows :
In the character of the sock, Schafer asks: “How many gamergaters does it take to make a single piece of armor?” Schafer, as himself, says that he doesn’t know.
The sock replies: “Fifty. One to do the modelling, one to do the materials, and forty to tweet that it’s not your shield.”

OK lets point out the elephant in the room learn out to fucking count you moron 1+1+40 does not = 50 . 
its 48 you fuck nut. he is now  definition of a SJW an angry man that has properly had is balls cut off and now in his wife's trophy cabinet. I really hope he See's the error of his ways purely because he needs to get back to his roots. hes a great developer with a great history But with his latest actions this maybe  the last we see of Double Fine productions ?

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Saturday, 28 February 2015

The Death Of A Legend

Its with a heavy heart today I blog about the loss of science fiction's greats assets Leonard Nimoy a man that gave birth to the idea that it's OK to be different.

Leonard Nimoy passed on the 27th of February and since then the whole world has mourned the loss of one of  science fiction's  greatest grandfathers a man that sent a clear message to all. To live long and prosper. 

Hes been in many different movies and shows from of course star trek to Simpson's , transformers ( the voice of Sentinel Prime )  , Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the big bang theory,  and many many more the most memorable star trek film that will always stay with me is the wrath of khan and of course the heart breaking scene of Spock's funeral.  A great career that's  inspired a generation to reach further, jump higher and dream so much more. you showed us how to believe in the stars  what it means to push your self more and open your mind.

So its with a heavy heart we say good bye to Spock the night sky has gained the brightest star Ive ever seen. 

live long and prosper Sir Leonard Nimoy

Written By z0mbi3gam3r 


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

the kindness of others

This has always been something I never really believed in , someone trips over and a complete stranger picks them up ? yea right I was always a firm believer that if you fall only you can pick your self up. But tonight well this is a different story on the way back from tescos the car decides to have one of its fits no petrol. Great we're buggered no money no credit cards sod all. 

So first problem we're pretty screwed res1080p is in the drivers seat and I'm pushing so hard like you do after a mean curry  then out of no were a little ol' lady pulls up and offers help! telling her the issue she drives me back to tescos and gets us £5 petrol out of the kindness of her own heart and pays for it her self . An angel sent from above someone we really couldn't thank enough 

OK at this point we have petrol great. lets get home get tea and relax. Nope not gonna happen the battery decides to die BLOODY GREAT FECKIN BALLS yea we said lots of bad words lots of screaming and kicking then out of no were a young lad offers a push ! so we're pushing and pushing breaking our backs getting no were more screaming more bad words lol the young lad had to go home so we're thinking of the next step and we start pushing again .....

Then a true gent arrived an older guy that offers a tow ! my god were thinking is this really happening ? three people offering a hand ? the older man tows us right to the front door and tells us how he has done this before. As I said the  kindness of strangers is something Ive never really believed in before tonight I can truly say I will be paying it forward. 

Written by z0mbi3gam3r

Friday, 16 January 2015

Free speach the road to trouble?

I'm a firm believer in the power of free speech with out it the human race would be mindless robots following orders not using their own minds for nothing else then the mindless day to day routine. But when you give the power free speech to the ones that don't deserve it  like the monsters who carried out the senseless killings in Paris then you start  getting in to dangerous waters.

So how do you face something like this ? everyone deserves the power to say what they think right ? if something annoys them they should say right ? animals like this don't deserve rights like this they deserve to be locked in a room with a pack of angry PMS filled women. BUT if you take away the power of free speech does that not make us as bad as the ones firing the guns ?

 like  I said its dangerous waters personally I think the Muslim extremists need to be shot. point blank shot I know that will never happen monsters like this i cant stress enough don't deserve the right to free speech they're the kind of people that believe punching someone is better then talking that a bullet says more then a million words  there has always been people like this  though history, there called bullies people that screams it has to be their way or nothing at all i really fear for the human race part of me thinks OK these people only understand 1 thing guns, bullets not talking not understanding that the pen is and will always be mightier then the sword , so talk to them how they understand will guns but that's not right violence has never solved anything so why start ? 

so ill leave it there as always thanks for watching and let me know what you think below 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r
je suis charlie

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

#JeSuisCharlie a sad day for france

Our hearts go out to the poor family's in France.  You have our thoughts and hearts I know its hard right now but you need to stay strong for each other. I honestly thought the first blog of the year would be a good one but its with a sad heart I write about the evil in the world its never easy to write about something sad I just hope people learn from this and realize that there are bigger things in the world to fight about. 

It seems the world ( well Europe ) have linked arms in respect wit the hash tag #JeSuisCharlie which means ' i am charlie'  millions of people standing together believing in the same thing free speech and that the pen is mightier then the sword a great concept. That to think is to better then to throw a punch a wish the world takes this on. To judge one race by the actions of a few is the most ridiculous thing ever.  

I'm going to leave it there if I start writing about the monsters that did this I fear I will not stop.

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

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