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So Nintendo remember those guys ? it looks like there not out of the race yet! and thank good for that ! as a Kid a remember spending many many hours playing on my Snes Nes and game boys from my older brothers first game boy, playing tetris to saving my Birthday money up and buying my first self bought console an original Nes
( yup the one with the square controllers) remembering the pain of Nintendo thumb and the indentation in the palm of your hands from holding the controller to tight ahh the sweet memories Zelda , duck hunt super Mario bros and punch out!
Now for the come back , Nintendo have said they are currently working on new a new hardware system code named Nintendo NX
Speaking at a press conference held on Tuesday, Iwata (the company's chief executive Satoru Iwata)
explained: "As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the
dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is
currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept
under the development codename 'NX'. It is too early to elaborate on the
details of this project, but we hope to share more information with you
next year."
It is not clear whether the new hardware represents new strides in the handheld or home console business.
also there's more news!! Nintendo are currently in the works of producing mobile games to !! it seems that Nintendo are really pushing back at the haters showing they're still here and they can scream still, the loudest. Nintendo is collaborating with Japanese developer DeNA to create new games for smart phones a great move their decision to partner up is a recognition of the
importance of the games app audience to the future of its business , But its a risky business mobile apps and games are more frequent with everyone making copies of the game stick , the android TV boxes if Nintendo decide to make the Operating system android this could be the end of the giants.
So ill leave it there let me know what you think below !!
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So Nintendo remember those guys ? it looks like there not out of the race yet! and thank good for that ! as a Kid a remember spending many many hours playing on my Snes Nes and game boys from my older brothers first game boy, playing tetris to saving my Birthday money up and buying my first self bought console an original Nes
( yup the one with the square controllers) remembering the pain of Nintendo thumb and the indentation in the palm of your hands from holding the controller to tight ahh the sweet memories Zelda , duck hunt super Mario bros and punch out!
Now for the come back , Nintendo have said they are currently working on new a new hardware system code named Nintendo NX
Speaking at a press conference held on Tuesday, Iwata (the company's chief executive Satoru Iwata)
explained: "As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the
dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is
currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept
under the development codename 'NX'. It is too early to elaborate on the
details of this project, but we hope to share more information with you
next year."
It is not clear whether the new hardware represents new strides in the handheld or home console business.
also there's more news!! Nintendo are currently in the works of producing mobile games to !! it seems that Nintendo are really pushing back at the haters showing they're still here and they can scream still, the loudest. Nintendo is collaborating with Japanese developer DeNA to create new games for smart phones a great move their decision to partner up is a recognition of the
importance of the games app audience to the future of its business , But its a risky business mobile apps and games are more frequent with everyone making copies of the game stick , the android TV boxes if Nintendo decide to make the Operating system android this could be the end of the giants.
So ill leave it there let me know what you think below !!
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