so what did they bring ? well i think this says it all a complete arsenal. Police found several weapons in their car including a shotgun, a rifle, "several hundred rounds" of ammunition and a hunting knife.
The men were originally suspected of making violent social media threats to people attending the gaming event in Boston.
Security at the convention reported the threats on Thursday and the suspects were stopped as they were about to enter the gaming event hours later, Boston police said.
you've got to wonder what the hell they were thinking its the Pokémon world championships not war , how pathetic can you be ? what were they thinking of doing!!! the championships are a place for family's to go The men, who were due to compete in the finals, were named as 18-year-old Kevin Norton and 27-year-old James Stumbo.
They told police only that they had driven to the event from Iowa. They have now been arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition, as well as other firearms offenses, Boston Police said Superintendent Paul Fitzgerald, commander of the Boston Police District's Bureau of Intelligence and Analysis, praised the private security firm for working with the authorities.
Lets hope they never see the light of day
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so what did they bring ? well i think this says it all a complete arsenal. Police found several weapons in their car including a shotgun, a rifle, "several hundred rounds" of ammunition and a hunting knife.
The men were originally suspected of making violent social media threats to people attending the gaming event in Boston.
Security at the convention reported the threats on Thursday and the suspects were stopped as they were about to enter the gaming event hours later, Boston police said.
you've got to wonder what the hell they were thinking its the Pokémon world championships not war , how pathetic can you be ? what were they thinking of doing!!! the championships are a place for family's to go The men, who were due to compete in the finals, were named as 18-year-old Kevin Norton and 27-year-old James Stumbo.
They told police only that they had driven to the event from Iowa. They have now been arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition, as well as other firearms offenses, Boston Police said Superintendent Paul Fitzgerald, commander of the Boston Police District's Bureau of Intelligence and Analysis, praised the private security firm for working with the authorities.
Lets hope they never see the light of day
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