If you look on line you'll find a lot of videos of parents smashing their kids gaming consoles from Xbox's to PlayStation's even laptops this month there's the latest in a long line of videos this one though is a bit different instead of smashing up the kids x bone and 360 he decided to order the kid to do it.

But why? I hear you ask well Jason ( the poor sod in the video), had three weeks to improve his performance at school and he apparently couldn't get it together. Now before we judge the parent or the boy we need to stop and think maybe Jason just didn't bother in school or maybe hes really finding it hard to learn ? or maybe the parent is a hill billy red neck and just didn't care? either way the Internet cant judge before they know the facts, either sides have been very vocal on the matter , some saying the kid was not studying enough its the kids fault others saying that the dad is a Psychopath the truth is you cant pass judgement until you know the facts maybe the kid is a little shit and the dad is trying to set him straight ? if that's the case then yea he did deserve it if not well personally I think its a step to far, I cant help but think it would of been better to give it away or smash it your self ? instead of getting him to do it ?
the new wave of creative parenting hitting the kids of today has me thinking ( OK I'm going to sound old now )
when I was younger you got a clip around the ear or a slap to the back of the legs and most of my generation grew up respecting our elders or in some cases completely hating them! we had more respect we knew were the line was , as for now well I tend to shudder for the youth of today , kids don't talk to each other unless its with a phone texting or on a IM service , So ill say this if your reading this right now and your the type of person that communicates only through a device put it own and go hug the one you love !
and as for the parents think of this , there has to be a better way to get your kids attention then smashing something you probably paid for !!!!
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If you look on line you'll find a lot of videos of parents smashing their kids gaming consoles from Xbox's to PlayStation's even laptops this month there's the latest in a long line of videos this one though is a bit different instead of smashing up the kids x bone and 360 he decided to order the kid to do it.

But why? I hear you ask well Jason ( the poor sod in the video), had three weeks to improve his performance at school and he apparently couldn't get it together. Now before we judge the parent or the boy we need to stop and think maybe Jason just didn't bother in school or maybe hes really finding it hard to learn ? or maybe the parent is a hill billy red neck and just didn't care? either way the Internet cant judge before they know the facts, either sides have been very vocal on the matter , some saying the kid was not studying enough its the kids fault others saying that the dad is a Psychopath the truth is you cant pass judgement until you know the facts maybe the kid is a little shit and the dad is trying to set him straight ? if that's the case then yea he did deserve it if not well personally I think its a step to far, I cant help but think it would of been better to give it away or smash it your self ? instead of getting him to do it ?
the new wave of creative parenting hitting the kids of today has me thinking ( OK I'm going to sound old now )
when I was younger you got a clip around the ear or a slap to the back of the legs and most of my generation grew up respecting our elders or in some cases completely hating them! we had more respect we knew were the line was , as for now well I tend to shudder for the youth of today , kids don't talk to each other unless its with a phone texting or on a IM service , So ill say this if your reading this right now and your the type of person that communicates only through a device put it own and go hug the one you love !
and as for the parents think of this , there has to be a better way to get your kids attention then smashing something you probably paid for !!!!
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