Saturday, 22 November 2014

kim kardashian breaking the internet



I don't know if she was making a political statement on the resent feminism up rise or just loves her Photo shopped arse so much. either way it was a pretty stupid idea. I've got to feel sorry for her kids one day they'll be old enough to see her half naked on line and how the Internet have twisted it to many many different memes

she tried to break the Internet , didn't work all she did is conform for many why its important to educate the youth of today  to get careers and push the understanding of trying, to push the human spirit to learn more and dream, If anyone reads this blog I hope you take away one thing don't show you're arse for profit show your personality and skill. you'll get more from it. 
some people could say yea she looks great ! but why? was it brave to show her photo shopped body ? or would it be braver to accomplish something outstanding like winning a Nobel Prize or the Woman of Achievement awards? Or outstanding charity work? a person is worth more then their body.

so let me know what you think was it a good idea? or was it totally stupid? 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Friday, 21 November 2014

the legend of zelda a sexist classist racist game ? from the concerned gamer

So the army of feminazis have been at it again this time attacking a much loved childhood game Zelda the plucky hero with the magical ocarina. 

apparently Zelda is nothing but a sexist, classist , racist   game again I find my self screaming at the screen every time I read something like this, Zelda was one if the first games I played on the Original  nes and loved it did I care that I had to play the male hero saving the day? nope loved it. 

link is also being accused of being classist , HOW just HOW ! ? he starts the very first game with a wooden sword! ( this was back in 1987 so most of the fembitchies weren't even born!)  he doesn't  even have a job! hes just happy enough to go on adventures saving the day hes a poor plucky hero saving the day 

as for the army of fembitches slowly attacking each of our beloved games whats next? perhaps they'd like to start on Mickey Mouse: Adventures in Wonderland? Zelda is wonderful game great for anyone any age , any race. the army of feminazi's forget that Zelda is the childhood friend most gamers can relate. to looking on face book I can see the hate from this 


so ill finish on this note the feminazis don't talk for me i have my own brain , and I love Zelda!

Written By the Concerned Gamer

Thursday, 20 November 2014

More Energy Drinks for Diabetics

After yesterdays review I figured to add some more on energy drinks. Today Ive got sugar free Evolve from home bargains 4 for 79p great value usually as  these are 4 for £1 at pound land.

A mixed fruit flavor with a hint of the sweet, refresher it holds a mellow taste that's easy to drink when its room temperature its gross stick it in the freezer for half an hour and drink :) 

Boost energy 
the cheap (ish) Lt bottle of caffeine easy to grab from the  shelf , around £1.29 its OK for a small glass but don't drink it first thing on a empty stomach you will be sitting on the toilet the rest of the day ! it has a bitter taste you' ll find with most cheap energy drinks like I said its OK for the price but there is better tasting options out there!

Asdas Blue charge
Working in a office for 9 hours a day I usually need a little pick me up all day and I cant stand the taste of coffee so ill end up drinking bottles of this all day its cheap , tastes of your generic energy drink flavor but well worth it asdas sometimes have it for 79p for a Lt so your cant knock it. Also if your lucky they'll have it 2 for £1 so its a good idea to keep a look out .

Mountain Dew Energy Sugar Free 
horse piss. That's all I can say the after taste is so good awful I had to  rinse my mouth out they market it for gamers but to honestest id rather drink a rung out sanitary towel. the best drink I could suggest for a heavy nights gaming is  of course sugar free monster.
Its best to avoid this one unless you enjoy the toxic gagging after taste of lemon and caffeine and sweetener.

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Energy Drinks For Diabetics

As a type 1 diabetic addicted to caffeine from rock star, monster red bull, tescos kick, asdas blue charge Ive tried them all , and all sugar free  most of which can be quite bitter and leave a nasty after taste like emerge sugar free its great at 35p but the after taste can leave a bad taste in your mouth

a good one I think is rock star pure zero it has a great after taste and is easy to drink fruity but mellow as well perfect for the morning after a heavy night gaming and at 99p you cant knock it 

now as for the devils drink , my favourite Monster energy , my favourite of the sugar free range is the lo-carb with a yummy bubblegum taste this is by far my favourite near on impossible to get now I recommend stocking up if you can its worth it
it works out around £1 to £1.30 per can perfect for staying awake ! and giving the extra boost you need :) the other sugar free option is absolute zero this one has more of a similar taste like rock star still worth trying

now for the one that started it all , Red bull the first energy drink I ever had with a sharp sweet taste even  being sugar free it didn't taste that way, OK value for money but to be honest being able to buy the larger cans of monster and red bull has put me of red bull sugar free. locally I can only find the regular sizes in sugar free as the red bull hype as all but over now most places will sell it for about 89p so if this is your favourite its a good idea to look around first,

So ill end on that note let me know what you think below  on your experiences with energy drinks what ones have you tried? what ones can you recommend ?

Written By  z0mbi3gam3r

The Flash !

OK when I watched the first episode I figured its going to wash out nothing much worth watching but OMG I'm glad to say i was so wrong it depicts how Barry gets his powers, and the death of is mother.

the latest episode shows the flash up against is old high school bully 'tony' a meta human with the power to turn in to solid steel , kind of ironic when you think of superman !, with iris's life at risk the flash bolts in and saves the day not with out getting his bones smashed the first few times first ! by using the power of a sonic boom hes able to gather enough speed to punch tony square in the face brilliant! 

Reverse Flash 064the end scene shows another flash threatening iris's father telling him to stop investigating the flash's mothers death  I have a feeling this could be the reverse flash, aka the Professor Zoom for those that don't know : 

Reverse-Flash is a name used by several speedsters who are enemies to the Flash. The original Reverse-Flash was The Rival, arch-nemesis to Jay Garrick in the Golden Age. Professor Zoom was the first villain to call himself Reverse-Flash, a 25th Century scientist who fought Barry Allen in the Silver Age.

so the over all view on the series so far? fantastic! I really hope they speed though ( pun intended ) and head straight to the second series .

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Cheap meals for the unemployed/skint! Or students!

Are you skint ? No money ? unemployed? well we've asked our friend the concerned gamer to help us out with a few cheap meal ideas and here is the first one ....

meal idea 1       spicy beans on toast!                                             


Tesco value beans  cost : 24p
Tesco value bread cost  : 45p
Tesco Mild Chili Powder cost : 50p  
Loose Brown Onions cost: 16p

OK pretty simple for the first one 

toast the bread 
cook beans in saucepan on a low heat 
while the beans are cooking add a pinch of chili ( or how ever hot you like it )
chop 1 onion in to half use 1 half and chop again in to smaller bits ! then add to beans 

pour on to toast and eat ! 

total cost of meal : £1.35  and you can use the bread for other meals to! 

meal idea 2 egg fried bread!

Tesco value bread cost  : 45p  ( use the bread form the first meal if you still got it saves the pennies ) 
 Tesco Everyday Value Eggs Minimum Weight Box Of 6 cost: 89p 
Tesco Everyday Value Table Salt 1Kg cost : 25p
Tesco Everyday Value Tomato Ketchup cost:  55p ( if wanted to add to taste )


preheat a frying pan on a low heat with a little oil
OK beat 2 eggs in a  bowl , adding a pinch of salt add more eggs if you want more egg fried bread!
then cut the bread in to halves 
dip the bread in to the egg mix making sure all is covered 
place the now covered bread in to the frying pan until golden brown then turn until the other is brown to 
repeat this with the bread until all the egg mix is gone

then place on a plate add tomato ketchup if desired and enjoy! 

total cost of meal :  £2.14 

remember with is idea you may still have bread left over from the last idea and you may not add the
Tomato Ketchup so on that the meal may only cost £1.14

and last but not lest my favorite the pudding  ice cream floaters !


Tesco Everyday Value Soft Scoop Vanilla Ice Cream cost : 89p

Tesco Everyday Value Sugar Free Cola 2 Litre Bottle cost : 17p


grab a pint glass fill 3/4 of the way with the cola     

add ice cream in one table spoon full at a time ( it will froth up don't worry ) 

grab a straw and a spoon then enjoy!

total cost of meal : £1.06

hope you found these useful comment below and let me know ! ill be adding more next week! 

if you cant get these ingredients at tescos or there's no tescos near you try your local smart price range at your local super market

written by the concerned gamer

Monday, 17 November 2014

How to deal with Trolls

So , Internet trolls how do we deal with them? there's loads of different ways to do so , the popular tell a grown up, Report the troll to an op, administrator, or site owner the administrator or site owner will know how to deal with the troll and will know whether to ban or kick.what does this get you ? sure they kick, ban the troll but then what? 

what if the admin or site owner is a troll as well ? well then your screwed you cant tell the sight owner if there just as bad a the troll what do you do then ? this is were you decide weather your going to back down or fight back. they say don't no feed the trolls don't give in and give them what they want. 

but what if you did ? what if you fed the trolls to the point of over feeding? hit every comment with a lighting response for example :

some people tend to go for the over clingy your my new best friend method which can work depending on what type of troll you have,  if it works the troll will leave you a lone after a while

or there's the more favorable one totally freak them out , like completely freak them out to the point they leave . if they say something like  'bend over' reply with  'yea i said that to your mum as well....'  it is possible to out troll a troll you just need to play it cool they get kicks by making pain and misery on others, it could be as  they have pain in their own life , something that kills them inside , it could be anything , being bullied at school to work going shit to being mad at there mummy for not tucking them in at night, if your able to find out what the chink in their Armour is use it , it will get them wound up to the point they will leave 

Ive tried this method it can work you just need to stand fast and have good come backs.

so ill leave it on this note remember if your faced with a troll don't ignore, you could walk away yea , and tell them your not going to respond as you don't feed trolls, or if able fire back with a quick response. 

Written By z0mbi3gam3r

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Gotta love that lasagne ! - Man Fucks His Dinner Then Complains Too hot

As wondering around the vast empty space that is Facebook I found this story. first I nearly pissed my pants laughing yes a man really did  get down and funky with a Tesco value lasagne and they say romance is dead. If this is the type of shopper going to tescos sign me up for lidls. 

The only thing I keep thinking is OMG WHY, WHY WHY  WHY!? the article states he saw a video online of a man getting funky with a home made large lasagne.  talk about being a food lover his google history must be Jamie Oliver's worst nightmare. 

And blistered bell end? well maybe he liked extra cheese ! LOL
now don't get me wrong I love tescos value food as much as the next guy but that's pushing it way to far lol.

Being in tescos at around 3am some times I do see some strange shoppers Ive seen granny's looking at thongs  to young couples to embarrassed to by condoms. it really makes you think , will this guy be a repeat offender ? ! will we need a protection order for the poor tesco value food ?! LOL 

this puts a (w)hole new meaning to the word food porn 

Id like to thank Vince Shaw ( the lasagne lover !) for the best giggles Ive had in ages !

Toad in the hole anyone?
Written by 


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